Home Symptoms Diagnostic hysteroscopy: what it is, when it is indicated and how to prepare

Diagnostic hysteroscopy: what it is, when it is indicated and how to prepare


Diagnostic hysteroscopy, or video hysteroscopy, is a type of gynecological examination that aims at internal visualization of the uterus to help the doctor diagnose possible injuries, such as polyps or adhesions. Thus, this examination must be performed in the first half of menstruation, as it is when the uterus is not yet preparing to receive a possible pregnancy, facilitating the observation of lesions.

This test can hurt, but in most cases the woman only reports some discomfort, since it is necessary to insert a thin device, known as a hysteroscope, into the vagina. Diagnostic hysteroscopy is contraindicated in pregnancy, in case of suspected pregnancy and vaginal infection.

In addition to diagnostic hysteroscopy, there is also the surgical aspect, in which the doctor uses the same method to correct changes in the uterus, which have been previously diagnosed through diagnostic hysterectomy or other exams, such as ultrasound or X-ray, for example. Learn more about surgical hysteroscopy.

Price and where to take the exam

Diagnostic hysteroscopy can be done at the gynecologist's office, however, there are doctors who prefer to do the examination at the hospital with the woman in hospital. The price of this exam can vary between R $ 100 and R $ 200.00.

How to prepare

To perform diagnostic hysteroscopy, it is recommended to avoid having sex at least 72 hours before the exam, not to use creams in the vagina 48 hours before the exam and to take a pill, such as Feldene or Buscopan, about 30 minutes before the exam to prevent colic occurrence during the procedure and the discomfort and pain that can happen after the exam.

How it is done

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed in the gynecologist's office with the woman in a gynecological position. The doctor promotes the dilation of the uterus using carbon dioxide or with the use of a mechanical dilator, so that there is enough space to introduce the hysteroscope through the vaginal canal, which is a tube that emits light of about 4 mm and has a microcamera on the tip.

Due to the presence of the microcamera, this test can also be called diagnostic video hysteroscopy, since it allows the doctor to view the uterus in real time, being possible to identify any changes.

When changes in the tissue of the uterus are visualized, a small portion of the injured tissue is removed to be investigated. In addition, the doctor can complete the diagnosis and determine the best form of treatment.

When the test is causing a lot of pain, the doctor may choose to perform it with sedation, in which a light anesthetic is used so that the woman does not feel the discomfort caused by the test.

When diagnostic hysteroscopy is indicated

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is usually requested by the gynecologist when the woman has any symptoms that may represent changes in the reproductive system. Thus, this examination can be indicated in cases of:

  • Abnormal bleeding; Sterility; Infertility; Repeated abortions; Uterine malformation; Presence of polyps or fibroids; Hemorrhages; Uterine adhesion.

It is important that the woman goes to the gynecologist for the exam to be done when she presents frequent pain during intercourse, pain in the uterus, presence of yellowish discharge and swelling in the vagina, for example, as it can be indicative of myoma, for example, it is important to perform diagnostic hysteroscopy. Know the 7 main signs that the uterus may have changes.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy: what it is, when it is indicated and how to prepare