Home Bulls Causes of appendicitis, diagnosis, treatments and which doctor to look for

Causes of appendicitis, diagnosis, treatments and which doctor to look for


Appendicitis causes pain in the right side and under the abdomen, as well as low fever, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. Appendicitis can be caused by many factors, but the most common is the entry of a small amount of feces into the organ, leading to infection.

Although the causes of appendicitis are not completely understood, some possible causes of appendicitis are:

  • Accumulation of feces within the appendix, which can happen to any individual, of any age; Vesicle stone, which can block mucus outflow; Pressure of the lymph nodes exerted on the appendix due to some infection; Appendix rupture due to local trauma, such as heavy blows to the belly and car accidents; Intestinal parasite: A worm can enter the appendix and prevent the mucus that is produced by it, leading to the enlargement of the organ and its consequent rupture; Accumulation of gases within the appendix, which are produced by the bacteria that normally live there.

The appendix is ​​an organ of the digestive system that is located between the large and small intestine and has the function of constantly producing mucus that mixes with the feces. But because it is an organ that is shaped like a glove finger, whenever there is an obstruction of the appendix, the organ ignites, generating appendicitis.

Which doctor to look for

If the individual suspects he has appendicitis, it is best to go to the emergency room as soon as possible to avoid the organ rupture and its consequences.

Answer these questions and find out if you really have an appendicitis: Symptoms of appendicitis.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of appendicitis is made by observing the individual's pain characteristic and by analyzing diagnostic tests such as MRI, abdominal x-ray, simple urine, blood and stool tests.

These tests are used to rule out the possibility of other diseases and to confirm the inflammation of the appendix. If the doctor is still in doubt, laparoscopy will be able to confirm the diagnosis of appendicitis.

As soon as the diagnosis is made, the doctor must indicate the removal of the appendix, through surgery. This procedure prevents re-infections of the organ and reduces the risk of death due to complications of appendicitis, such as the entry of harmful bacteria into the body in the abdominal cavity and in the bloodstream.

What are the treatments for Appendicitis

Treatment for acute appendicitis

Treatment for acute appendicitis is done with surgery to remove the appendix, called an appendectomy.

Surgery should be performed as soon as possible to prevent new inflammation and the appendix to rupture, because if it ruptures it can cause complications, such as sepsis, which is a serious infection of the organism that can lead to death.

Currently, the most used surgical technique to remove the appendix is ​​laparoscopy, in which 3 small holes are made, allowing a faster and less painful recovery. However, traditional surgery can be performed by making a cut on the right abdomen to remove the appendix.

Hospitalization lasts about 1 to 2 days, recovery usually occurs around 15 days after surgery, and can reach 30 days in case of traditional appendectomy and return to physical activities after 3 months.

In the first days after surgery, the individual should rest, eat foods rich in fiber, avoid lifting heavy objects, drink plenty of fluids and avoid driving. Check out more details of what to eat after an appendicitis.

Treatment for chronic appendicitis

The treatment of chronic appendicitis is done with the use of analgesics, antipyretics, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. However, it is possible that the drugs are not enough and the individual has to have surgery to remove the appendix.

Causes of appendicitis, diagnosis, treatments and which doctor to look for