Home Symptoms Foods to avoid on an empty stomach

Foods to avoid on an empty stomach


Fried foods, soft drinks, spicy foods or raw vegetables, are some foods that should not be consumed on an empty stomach, especially for those who suffer from poor digestion or have a more sensitive stomach.

So, to start the day with energy and good mood without feeling and a heavy stomach, good alternatives can be yogurt, hot or scrambled egg, tea, bread, corn or oat flakes and fruits such as papaya for example.

Foods that require more gastric movements or more digestive enzymes, when consumed too early, can be difficult to digest, causing excess gas, poor digestion, heartburn, feeling full or abdominal pain, for example.

5 Foods Not to Eat on an Empty Stomach

Some foods that should not be eaten early in the morning on an empty stomach, include:

1. Soda

Soft drinks such as cola or guarana should never be drunk early in the morning as they can cause stomach upset and excess intestinal gas, which causes abdominal pain and discomfort. In addition, soft drinks are also rich in sugars and dyes, so they should be replaced whenever possible with natural fruit juices that have vitamins and minerals or teas.

2. Tomato

Tomatoes, despite being an excellent option for other occasions of the day, when consumed in the morning it can end up increasing stomach acidity, which can cause heartburn or increase discomfort and pain in those who have gastric ulcers.

3. Spicy foods

Spicy foods, which took a lot of pepper or black pepper, are also not the best option for breakfast, since they can cause stomach irritation or increase acid production.

4. Raw vegetables

Vegetables such as courgettes, peppers or kale for example, despite being the basis for a rich and varied diet, can be difficult to digest, which is why in most people it can cause excess gas, poor digestion, heartburn, feeling of fullness or abdominal pain.

5. Fried foods

Fried foods such as pastel, croquette or coxinha, should also not be part of breakfast, as they can cause poor digestion and heartburn.

In addition, fried foods should only be consumed in moderation, because when consumed in excess they contribute to the emergence of other problems, such as obesity, cholesterol and abdominal fat accumulation.

What to eat for breakfast

For breakfast, the ideal is to bet on simple, nutritious and high-fiber foods, such as:

  1. Oats: in addition to being rich in fiber, it also helps to reduce bad cholesterol and decreases appetite; Fruits: some fruits such as pineapple, strawberry, kiwi or apple are excellent options to eat for breakfast, because in addition to having few calories, they are rich in fiber and water, helping to regulate the intestine and reduce bloating and appetite; Granola, whole grain or cereal bread: as a source of carbohydrates, granola and whole grain bread are great options, as they are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, which help you lose weight and regulate your bowel function;

Because breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, it should never be ignored or skipped. Understand what happens in your body when you don't eat breakfast.

Foods to avoid on an empty stomach