Home Bulls Atroveran



Atroveran Compound is an analgesic and antispasmodic medication indicated for painful processes and colic. Papaverine hydrochloride, sodium dipyrone and Atropa belladonna fluid extract are the main components of Atroveran Compound. Atroveran Compound can be found in the form of a tablet (with 6 or 20 tablets) or in solution (30 mL).

Indications of Atroveran Compound

Analgesic and antispasmodic

Contraindications for Atroveran Compound

Patients who are allergic to any substance in the compound atroveran. Patients with acute angle glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy and individuals who use narcotics, hypnotic and barbiturate medications.

Adverse Effects of Atroveran Compound

When used in high quantities, the product may cause nausea, tachycardia, dizziness and facial congestion. The base papaverine often causes elevation of alkaline phosphatase in plasma, indicative of hepatotoxicity. The most serious, although quite rare, are shock and changes in blood components (agranulocytosis, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia). In occasional situations, especially in patients with a history of pre-existing kidney disease or in cases of overdose, there may be transient renal disorders with oliguria or anuria, proteinuria and interstitial nephritis. Asthma attacks can be seen in patients predisposed to such a condition.

How to use Atroveran Compound

  • Tablet:

    • 2 to 3 tablets. Should not exceed the maximum dose of 8 tablets per day.


    • 40 drops in a glass of water, 10 minutes before meals, two to three times a day.

      In special cases, doses will be increased, which can be 40 to 80 drops at a time. Children will take half or third of the indicated dose, depending on each case.
