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How to do the massage to lose belly


Self-massage in the belly helps to drain excess fluid and reduce sagging in the belly, and should be done with the person standing, with the spine straight and facing the mirror so that you can see the movements performed.

For the self-massage in the belly to take effect, it is recommended that it be done at least 3 times a week and be accompanied by consumption and water, a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Benefits of self-massage in the belly

Self-massage to lose belly is a great ally to lose weight because it mobilizes fatty tissue, improving body contour. In addition, the self-massage to lose belly helps to:

  • Drain the accumulated liquid next to the belly fat; Decrease the belly flaccidity; Eliminate belly cellulite; Promote well-being.

The self-massage to lose belly should be done with the woman standing, with the right spine, facing the mirror, after the bath and with a cream to lose belly, preferably. The movements must be performed with some strength and firmness to achieve good results. Learn more about the cream to lose belly.

How to do self-massage to lose belly

Self-massage to lose belly can be done in three main steps:

  1. Warming up: Spread some cream on your hands and apply it over the entire abdomen. With the palms of your hands, make circular movements clockwise around the navel and then perform the same movement with the overlapping hands. Repeat this movement between 10 and 15 times; Sliding: Massage the side of the abdomen using both hands, in opposite directions, from top to bottom, always pressing until reaching the hip, both to the right and to the left. Repeat the movements 10 to 15 times; Drainage: Place your palms at the level of your ribs and move from top to bottom towards the groins, pressing on the belly and rubbing the fingers. Repeat the movements 10 to 15 times.

Self-massage to lose belly along with healthy eating, drinking plenty of water and exercising results when it is done at least 3 times a week, but has better results if you are doing it every day. See the following video for 3 more tips to keep your belly defined:

How to do the massage to lose belly