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Benefits of baroa potato


The parsnip potato, also known as mandioquinha or parsley potato, is an excellent source of carbohydrates and fibers, helping in the production of energy in the cells and helping in the functioning of the intestine.

It can be included both in diets for gaining muscle mass and in diets for weight loss, and only the amount consumed and the side dishes must be changed. Its main health benefits are:

  1. Give energy to the body, for being a great source of carbohydrates; Combat constipation, as they are rich in fibers and improve the health of intestinal flora; Improve the immune system, as it contains zinc and selenium; Act as an antioxidant and improve skin health, as it contains vitamin E; Help to relax and improve circulation, as it contains magnesium and potassium.

Baroa potatoes have fewer calories than sweet potatoes and a similar amount of fiber, making it a great option for balancing the weight loss menu.

How to use baroa potato to lose weight

To lose weight, you should consume a maximum of 80 to 100 g of parsnips for lunch or dinner, preferably baked or baked in the oven, and without adding other sources of carbohydrates such as rice, pasta or farofa. With that, the meal will be low in carbohydrates, helping with weight loss.

In addition to the cassava, you should add a good portion of meat, chicken or fish, which is the protein source of the dish, and a vegetable salad with olive oil, which will bring more satiety to the meal. It is important to remember to avoid drinking juices or soft drinks during the meal, it is better to exchange them for a small fruit as a dessert.

How to Use Baroa Potato to Gain Dough

People who want to gain muscle mass and gain weight can consume greater amounts of parsnip, in addition to being able to add other sources of carbohydrates in the same meal, such as rice, pasta and farofa.

The meal must also contain a good amount of protein, which is meat, chicken and fish, and salad with olive oil. In the pre-workout, you can use the baroa potato with fried eggs or cheese, accompanied by 1 fruit or natural yogurt, for example. Know what to eat in the pre and post workout.

Nutritional information

The following table provides the nutritional information for 100 g of baked parsnips:

100 g of boiled potato
Nutrient Amount
Energy 76 kcal
Carbohydrate 17.7 g
Protein 1.4 g
Fat 0.14 g
Fibers 2.5 g
Magnesium 18 mg
Potassium 230 mg
Zinc 0.2 mg
Vitamin E 0.94

Like sweet potatoes, mandioquinha is an edible root that can be used in several ways, as shown below:

Forms of preparation

The mandioquinha can be eaten boiled, fried, roasted in the oven or in the form of puree, besides being able to be added in soups and cooked of fish or meat. When cooking it, you should keep the peel and only remove it after cooking, so that so many minerals and vitamins are not lost in the cooking water.

French fries should be avoided in weight loss diets, the best option being baked potatoes. The puree option should also be used more by those who want to gain weight, as the addition of milk and butter in the preparation of the puree makes the meal more caloric.

Baroa Potato Soup Recipe


  • 500 g kg of baroa potato 500 g of carrot1 medium onion3 cloves of garlic120 ml of oil500 g of diced chicken breast1 liter of water1 tablespoon of olive oil, pepper and green smell to taste

Method of preparation:

In a pressure cooker, sauté garlic and onion in olive oil. When browned, add the chicken, carrot and cassava, and saute again. Add salt, pepper and green smell, and cook for about 10 minutes after getting pressure. If you want the soup in the form of cream, cook the chicken separately and mash the cassava stew with carrot before mixing with the chicken.

Baroa Potato Hiding

Puree ingredients:

  • 1/2 kg of cooked baroa potato1 / 2 kg of cooked potato1 / 2 medium onion, diced2 tablespoons of butter200 g of sour cream1 cup of milk, salt and pepper to taste50 g of grated parmesan for sprinkling

Filling Ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of oil3 garlic cloves, crushed or chopped1 / 2 kg ground beef5 chopped tomatoes1 / 2 cup of tomato sauceSalt and black pepper to taste4 tablespoons chopped parsley

Method of preparation

For the puree, mash the mandioquinha and the potato while still hot with the juicer. Sauté the onion lightly in butter, add the potatoes and other ingredients, letting the mixture cook for about 3 to 5 minutes.

For the filling, sauté the garlic in olive oil and add the meat and sauté until dry and loose. Add the tomato and tomato sauce and season with salt and pepper to taste., Cooking until a thicker sauce. Add salt and parsley.

To assemble, you must grease a glass dish with butter and spread half of the puree, adding the filling next and, finally, covering with the other half of the puree. Sprinkle the cheese on top and put it in the preheated oven at 200 ºC for about 20 minutes.

Also know the benefits of sweet potatoes.

Benefits of baroa potato