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Benefits of brewer's yeast


Brewer's yeast is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibers and serves to help regulate sugar metabolism by containing chromium and helping to lower high cholesterol because it also has fibers.

Other benefits of brewer's yeast can be:

  • Improve memoryRegulate intestinal functioningCombat stress and fatigueStrengthen the immune system by protecting against diseasesProtecting nervesDetoxifying the body

To have all the benefits of beer yeast, just consume 1 to 2 tablespoons per day of beer yeast and it can be consumed without cooking, being added to the dishes after ready, such as soups, pasta, yogurt, milk, juices or even pure water.

Brewer's yeast can be found in pharmacies, health food stores, handling stores, supermarkets in powder form, in capsules or tablets. The benefits of brewer's yeast in tablets are to be able to ingest simply and quickly the necessary amount of brewer's yeast, it is also important to remember that beer malt also brings benefits such as preventing anemia and strengthening bone and teeth. See more here.

Benefits for bodybuilders

The benefits of brewer's yeast in bodybuilding are being able to ingest protein, vitamins, minerals and fibers without having to ingest fat and carbohydrates. Proteins are essential after training to avoid muscle damage.

In addition, beer yeast does not fatten and moderates appetite, due to its protein composition. A good way to benefit from your consumption is to take half an hour before your meal.

Benefits for the skin

The benefits of brewer's yeast for the skin are to improve cases of acne, eczema and even psoriasis due mainly to its high content of B vitamins. These vitamins are also important for the health of nails and hair.

Nutritional information

Components Quantity in 100 g of brewer's yeast
Energy 345 calories
Proteins 46.10 g
Fats 1.6 g
Carbohydrates 36.6 g
Vitamin B1 14500 mcg
Vitamin B2 4612 mcg
Vitamin B3 57000 mg
Calcium 87 mg
Phosphor 2943 mg

Brewer's yeast is an excellent source of B-complex vitamins.

See also this juice with beer yeast: Juice for physical and mental tiredness.

Benefits of brewer's yeast