Home Bulls Benefits of coconut oil and how to consume

Benefits of coconut oil and how to consume


Natural coconut oil is very versatile, and can be used as a moisturizer for the face, in the hair mask, in food for flavor and also to include in weight loss diets.

This oil can be obtained from dry coconut or fresh coconut, being called refined or extra virgin coconut oil, respectively. Extra virgin coconut oil is the one that brings the most health benefits, as it does not undergo refinement processes and does not lose nutrients nor is it subjected to high temperatures. Learn more about extra virgin coconut oil.

Main benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil is very versatile, with several applications and benefits. The main benefits of using coconut oil are:

  • Strengthening of the immune system, due to the presence of lauric acid; More hydrated skin and hair, due to the concentration of antioxidants in its composition and its nourishing properties, which prevent premature skin aging; Contribution to weight loss, as several studies indicate that this oil may increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation; Increased satiety, thus helping to lose weight, since the desire to eat is reduced.

In addition, coconut oil is thought to be able to improve cholesterol levels and improve bowel function, but studies are still inconsistent.

Here's how to use coconut oil and make the most of all its benefits:

1. Coconut oil for weight loss

Some studies report that coconut oil can contribute to weight loss because it contains medium chain triglycerides, which are absorbed in the intestine, passing directly to the liver, where they are used as a form of energy, which is used by organs such as the brain and heart, so it is not stored in adipose tissue in the form of fat.

Despite this, this oil should not be ingested in large quantities, due to its high caloric value.

Learn more about the relationship between coconut oil and weight loss.

2. Coconut oil for cooking

To cook coconut oil it can be used in several ways, such as sauté, to grill meat or even to make cakes and pies.

To do this, just replace the fat that is usually used, such as sunflower oil, butter or olive oil for example, with coconut oil in the same amounts. So, if the person habitually uses 2 tablespoons of olive oil, just replace it with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to enjoy its benefits, which are greater when coconut oil is extra virgin. However, it is not recommended to consume more than 1 tablespoon per day.

It is important to note that extra virgin coconut oil should not be used in fried foods, because it burns at lower temperatures, compared to sunflower oil.

Check out a delicious recipe of avocado brigadeiro with coconut oil in the following video:

3. Coconut oil to moisturize hair

Preparing homemade masks with coconut oil is very simple. Both the mask of aloe vera and honey with coconut oil, as the banana and avocado with coconut oil or even the simple mixture of coconut oil with olive oil, are homemade masks ideal to moisturize and nourish dry, lifeless and brittle hair.

These masks should be applied over the freshly washed hair and dried with a towel, allowing to act between 20 to 25 minutes, after which it is recommended to wash the hair again with shampoo to remove all residues. In addition, to enhance the effect of the masks, you can choose to use a thermal cap or a heated wet towel, as they will help to increase its moisturizing effect. See also how to use baru oil to lose weight and moisturize your skin and hair.

4. Coconut oil to hydrate the skin

Due to the nutritional and antioxidant properties of coconut oil, it is a great ally of the skin and, therefore, it can be applied on the face, with the aid of a cotton, passing a greater amount in the eye region and allowing it to act throughout in the evening.

It can also be used as a lip balm, especially when it is presented in a solid state and as a measure to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, since it helps the skin to remain more elastic.

In addition, this oil can also be used as a makeup remover, even removing the waterproof mask.

Watch the following video and check out these benefits and understand how it can be inserted in healthy eating:

How to make coconut oil at home

Coconut oil can also be prepared at home, as follows:


  • 3 glasses of coconut water; 2 brown peeled coconuts peeled and cut into pieces.

Method of preparation

The first step in making coconut oil is to beat all the ingredients in a blender or mixer and then strain with a clean cloth and put the liquid in a bottle, which must remain in a dark environment for 48 hours. After this period, the bottle should be placed in a cool environment, protected from light, for another 6 hours.

After 6 o'clock, it is necessary to place the bottle upright in the refrigerator for 3 hours. With this, the coconut oil will solidify and to remove it, the bottle must be cut at the place where the separation of water and oil can be observed, using only the oil, which must be transferred to a container with a lid.

Coconut oil becomes suitable for consumption when it becomes liquid, with no need to store in the refrigerator.

Benefits of coconut oil and how to consume