Home Bulls Bezafibrato (cedur)

Bezafibrato (cedur)


Cedur is an oral medicine that has Bezafibrate as an active substance that helps to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

This medicine can also be found under the name of Cedur Retard and is produced by the Roche laboratory, being purchased in pharmacies on medical recommendation.



Cedur costs on average 85 reais.


The use of Cedur is indicated for cases of high cholesterol and triglycerides.

How to use

The use of Cedur must be made by medical indication, the initial dose being 200 mg, 3 times a day and the maintenance dose is 200 mg, 2 times a day.

Side effects

Some side effects of the drug include changes in blood, headache, dizziness, muscle and stomach pain, poor appetite, nausea, skin rash, sexual impotence and hair loss.


The use of this medicine is contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding, high blood albumin, liver and kidney failure or gallbladder problem.

Bezafibrato (cedur)