Home Symptoms 3 day ketogenic diet menu to lose weight

3 day ketogenic diet menu to lose weight


In the menu of the ketogenic diet to lose weight, you should eliminate all foods rich in sugar and carbohydrates, such as rice, pasta, flour, bread and chocolate, increasing consumption of foods that are sources of protein and fats, such as meat, eggs, seeds, avocado. and olive oil. In the case of fruits, since they contain carbohydrates, strawberries, blueberries, cherries and blackberries should preferably be consumed, since they are the ones that contain the least amount of this nutrient.

This type of food can be followed for 1 to 3 months, and in the so-called cyclic ketogenic diet it is possible to alternate between 5 consecutive days of diet and 2 days of carbohydrate food, which facilitates the fulfillment of the menu also on weekends.

The ketogenic diet stimulates weight loss because it causes the body to produce energy from burning fat, instead of the carbohydrates that normally come from food.

So, to help you lose weight, here's the example of a 3-day menu for this diet.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with butter + ½ cup of raspberries; Morning snack: sugar-free gelatin + 1 handful of dried fruits; Lunch / Dinner: 2 beef steaks with cheese sauce, accompanied by asparagus with strips of pepper sautéed in olive oil; Snack: 1 unsweetened plain yogurt + 1 tablespoon of chia seeds + 1 roll of mozzarella cheese and ham.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: Bulletproof coffee (with butter and coconut oil) + 2 slices of turkey accompanied by ½ avocado and a handful of arugula; Morning snack: 1 unsweetened plain yogurt + 1 handful of nuts; Lunch / Dinner: grilled salmon with mustard sauce + green salad with arugula, tomato, cucumber and red onion + 1 tablespoon of oil + vinegar, oregano and salt to season; Afternoon snack: 6 strawberries with sour cream + 1 spoon of chia seeds.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: ham tortilla with 2 slices of avocado; Morning snack: ½ avocado with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter; Lunch: chicken in white sauce with sour cream + kale salad with onion sautéed in olive oil or coconut oil; Afternoon snack: avocado smoothie with chia seeds.

It is important to remember that this diet is contraindicated for people over 65 and in cases of kidney failure, liver problems, cardiovascular diseases and use of cortisone medications, such as corticosteroids. Thus, it is recommended that it be allowed by the doctor and accompanied by a nutritionist. See the full list of foods allowed and prohibited in the ketogenic diet.

Learn more about ketogenic diet in the following video:

3 day ketogenic diet menu to lose weight