Home Bulls How to take lemon balm tea to lose weight

How to take lemon balm tea to lose weight


Lemon balm is a medicinal plant, also known as Cidreira, Capim-cidreira, Citronete and Melissa, which can be used as a natural remedy to lose weight because it combats anxiety, nervousness, agitation, besides being diuretic and improving digestion fighting gases and swollen belly, increasing well-being.

Lemon balm helps to lose weight mainly because it calms the mind, fighting anxiety that can lead to the urge to eat more. Thus, it can be a good aid in weight loss, as long as an adequate diet is made.

Lemongrass tea with lemon for weight loss

To achieve weight loss by taking lemon balm tea, it is advisable to take at least 3 cups of tea a day. The first fasted, and the other two, just after the main meals of the day, lunch and dinner.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, salt and pepper, and season with salt and pepper.

Method of preparation:

Add the leaves to the cup and cover with boiling water. Cover and let rest for a few minutes. Then strain and add half a squeezed lemon and take it next, preferably without sweetening.

What to eat to lose weight

In order to lose weight it is necessary to deflate the organism, through a food detox that can last a day, making a liquid food with organic fruits and vegetables, in all meals.

After detoxifying you should eat a solid diet with 5 to 6 meals a day, which should include foods rich in fiber to decrease your appetite such as All Bran cereals , passion fruit, papaya or almond. See a list of these foods at: Foods high in fiber.

In addition, thermogenic foods such as cinnamon and ginger should also be consumed daily to help eliminate fats, as they increase metabolism and facilitate fat burning. Learn more about thermogenic foods at: What are thermogenic foods. Cinnamon can be added to cooked fruit and ginger as a seasoning for meat, sauces or soup.

Some tips that can help you lose weight faster are:

  • Eat every 3 hours and never go more than 8 hours without eating (for example, at night); Start meals with a shallow plate of vegetable soup; Eat 3 pieces of fruit a day; Always include vegetable groups in the main dish, such as tomatoes, cucumbers or broccoli; eat fish such as sardines, salmon, hake or tuna once a day; drink at least 1.5 L of water per day.

Regular physical exercise is very important to improve blood circulation, deflate and increase energy expenditure, being a fundamental part of the weight loss process.

What you should not eat

Foods high in fat and sugar should not be consumed because they are rich in toxins and calories, and therefore during this diet you should not eat:

  • Beverages: Powdered juice, industrialized juice, soda, including zero and light versions, other artificial drinks; Industrialized: Biscuits, crackers, white bread, gressinos, normal toasts, Canned: corn, peas, beans, mushrooms, tuna, sardines, olives, lentils, Inlaid: sausage, salami, bacon, chorizo, pepperoni, mortadella, ham, ham, Fried: salty snacks such as kebab, coxinha, rolled, nuggets, egg, cod cake, risole, Industrialized sauces: ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, rosé, parmesan, peppers, tartar, shoyo, Yellow cheeses: mozzarella, roquefort, brie, provolone, camembert, gorgonzola, gouda, parmesan, provolone.

The best way to know what you can and cannot eat during this diet is to read the label of all foods, and in addition to watching the calorie count, checking the amount of sugar and fat it contains. So, the best way to not get hungry and manage to lose weight is to always prefer natural foods, because even if they have some carbohydrate or lipid, they will be healthier than the pre-prepared versions.

How to take lemon balm tea to lose weight