Home Bulls Infant Cimegripe in drops: what is it for and how to use

Infant Cimegripe in drops: what is it for and how to use


Infantile Cimegripe is available in oral suspension and drops flavored with red fruits and cherry, which are formulations suitable for babies and children. This medicine has paracetamol in its composition, which is a substance indicated to reduce fever and temporarily relieve mild to moderate pain in the head, tooth, throat or pain associated with colds and flu.

This medicine can be purchased in pharmacies, for a price of about 12 reais, without the need for a prescription.

How to use

Cimegripe is available in drops, which is more suitable and easier to give to the baby, and in oral suspension, indicated for children from 11 kg or 2 years old. This medicine can be administered independently of meals.

1. Baby cimegripe (100 mg / mL)

Baby Cimegripe can be used on babies and children. The dosage varies according to weight:

Weight (Kg) Dose (mL)
3 0.4
4 0.5
5 0.6
6 0.8
7 0.9
8 1.0
9 1.1
10 1.3
11 1.4
12 1.5
13 1.6
14 1.8
15 1.9
16 2.0
17 2.1
18 2.3
19 2.4
20 2.5

Children weighing less than 11 kg should go to the doctor before taking the medicine.

2. Child Cimegripe (32 mg / mL)

The child Cimegripe can be used on children over 11 kg or 2 years old. The dosage varies according to weight:

Weight (Kg) Dose (mL)
11 - 15 5
16 - 21 7.5
22 - 26 10
27 - 31 12.5
32 - 43 15

The duration of treatment depends on the remission of symptoms and must be determined by the doctor.

How it works

Cimegripe contains paracetamol in its composition, which is an analgesic and antipyretic substance, being effective in relieving pain in the body, throat, tooth, head and reducing fever.

Who should not use

This medicine should not be used in people who are hypersensitive to the components of the formula.

Possible side effects

Cimegripe is generally well tolerated, however, although it is rare, allergic reactions that manifest on the skin can occur, such as hives, itchy rash and rash.

Infant Cimegripe in drops: what is it for and how to use