Home Symptoms Nymphoplasty: how it is done and how is recovery

Nymphoplasty: how it is done and how is recovery


Nymphoplasty or labiaplasty is a plastic surgery that consists of reducing the small vaginal lips in women who have hypertrophy in that area.

This surgery is relatively quick, lasting about 1 hour and usually the woman spends only 1 night hospitalized, being discharged the next day. Recovery is a little uncomfortable, so it is recommended to stay at home and not go to work for the first 10 to 15 days after surgery.

For whom it is indicated

Nymphoplasty, which is the reduction of small vaginal lips, can be performed in the following situations:

  • When the small vaginal lips are very large; They cause discomfort during sexual intercourse; They cause discomfort, shame or low self-esteem.

Anyway, before deciding to have the surgery, you should talk to the doctor and clarify any doubts.

How is the surgery done

The surgery is performed in an outpatient clinic with local anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, with or without sedation, and lasts about 40 minutes to an hour. During the procedure, the doctor cuts the small lips and sews their edges so that no scar is seen.

The suture is made with absorbable threads, which end up being absorbed by the body, so it is not necessary to return to the hospital to remove the stitches. However, in certain cases the doctor may opt for common points, which must be removed after 8 days.

Generally, the woman is discharged the day after the procedure, being able to return to work and her daily activities about 10 to 15 days later. However, you should wait about 40-45 days to have sex and exercise again.

In the first week after surgery, it is not recommended to sit down, it is more indicated to remain lying down, with the legs slightly higher than the rest of the trunk to facilitate venous return, and to reduce pain and swelling of the genital region.

Benefits of reducing the labia minora

Nymphoplasty improves self-esteem of women who are ashamed of their body and who feel bad about having lips larger than normal, prevents infections because small lips with large volume can lead to the accumulation of urine secretions that can cause infections and because there is greater friction and formation of wounds.

In addition, it also improves sexual performance, since very large lips can cause pain during intimate contact or embarrassment of the woman before her partner. After the surgery, the woman feels more comfortable with all kinds of clothes, even if they are tight, because the vaginal lips will no longer be so prominent as to bother with lace panties or jeans, for example.

How is recovery from surgery

How it looks right after surgery

After surgery it is normal for the intimate region to become quite swollen, reddish and with purplish marks, being normal and expected changes. The woman should rest for about 8 days, lying back on the bed or sofa with the support of pillows, and wear light and loose clothing.

It is also recommended to do lymphatic drainage several times during the day to decrease the swelling, and consequently the pain, and facilitate healing and complete recovery.

When can I see the final result

Although recovery is not the same for all women, complete healing usually takes place about 6 months later, which is the time when healing has completely ended and the final result can be seen, but small changes can be seen day after day. day. The sexual contact should only happen between 40-45 days after the surgery, and if there is formation of bridles, preventing the penetration, another small correction surgery can be done.

How to do local hygiene

During recovery, the vaginal area must remain clean and dry and cold compresses can be placed on the site, especially in the first few days, to relieve inflammation and fight swelling. Cold compresses should be placed for 15 minutes, 3 times a day.

After urinating and defecating the woman should always wash the area with cold water or saline, and apply an antiseptic solution with a clean gauze pad. The doctor may also recommend placing a layer of healing ointment or bactericidal action, to avoid the itching that occurs during healing, and to prevent it from becoming infected. This care must be performed after each visit to the bathroom for at least 12 to 15 days.

A soft intimate pad should be used, which can absorb the blood as much as possible, but without putting pressure on the region. The panties should be cotton and wide enough to feel comfortable for the first few days. It is not recommended to wear tight clothes such as leggings, pantyhose or jeans for the first 20 days.

How to decrease pain and swelling

The woman can take 1g of acetaminophen every 8 hours for pain relief and discomfort for the first 10 days. Or you can alternate 1g of paracetamol + 600 mg of Ibuprofen, every 6 hours.


Driving in the first few days after surgery is not recommended because the driver's position is unfavorable and can cause pain and bleeding. You should also not smoke or consume alcoholic beverages until 10 days after the surgery.

See what to eat to speed healing recovery

Who should not do

Nymphoplasty is contraindicated before the age of 18, for people who have uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension or heart failure. It is not recommended to have surgery during menstruation or very close to the day of the next menstrual period, because menstrual blood can make the region more humid and favor infection.

Nymphoplasty: how it is done and how is recovery