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How to sunbathe fast in the sun


To tan faster, you should sunbathe with sunscreen suitable for your skin type, eat a diet rich in beta-carotene and moisturize your skin very well daily. These precautions must be initiated before sunbathing and maintained throughout the time you are exposed to the sun.

In addition, it is also possible to tan quickly through artificial techniques, such as applying a self-tanning cream or tanning with jet spray, for example.

Tips for quick tanning

To obtain a quick, beautiful and natural tanning, the following tips should be followed:

1. Eat a diet rich in beta-carotenes

Food has a lot of influence on the tan, because it contributes to the production of melanin, which is a natural pigment that gives color to the skin, leaving it more tanned.

For this, you can take a juice with 3 carrots and 1 orange, every day, about 3 weeks before sun exposure and during the period of exposure to the sun and consume foods rich in beta-carotene and other anti-oxidants, such as tomatoes, apricot, strawberry, cherry or mango, for example, 2 to 3 times a day, at least 7 days before the first sun exposure. These foods help to fight free radicals, protecting the skin from premature aging.

Discover more foods rich in beta-carotene.

2. Do a skin exfoliation

Doing an exfoliation of the whole body about 3 days before sunbathing helps to remove dead cells, eliminate stains and stimulate circulation, preparing the body for a more uniform and lasting tan.

After sun exposure, a gentle exfoliation can be done, once a week, in order to keep the skin smooth and the tan even and regular. Learn how to make a homemade scrub.

3. Sunbathe with sunscreen

To tan more safely, it is important to sunbathe before 10 am and after 4 pm, applying sunscreen appropriate to the skin type, to protect it from the sun's rays that are harmful to the skin.

The application of the protector does not prevent tanning and, on the contrary, prolongs it because it keeps cells healthy and skin hydrated, preventing flaking. These products should be applied about 20 and 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapplied, usually, every 2 or 3 hours, especially if the person perspires or enters the water.

Learn more tips to catch the sun without risks.

4. Moisturize and nourish the skin

In order for the tan to remain for a longer time, a moisturizing cream should be applied after the bath, daily, reinforcing the application on the days when the sun is out, in order to prevent dehydration of the skin and flaking.

Learn how to prepare a homemade moisturizer for dry skin.

5. Use self-tanner

To tan quickly, you can also apply a self-tanning cream or jet bronze using a jet spray all over your body. The use of self-tanning is effective, as it has DHA, which is a substance capable of reacting with the amino acids present in the skin, resulting in a component that guarantees a more tanned color to the skin.

The use of these products helps to keep the skin golden and hydrated, without taking the risks caused by sun exposure, such as premature skin aging or cancer. Generally, self-tanners have no contraindications, however, it is important to know if the person is allergic to any of the constituents of the product or if they are undergoing acid treatment, as in these cases they should not be used.

Another factor that must be taken into account when using these products is that if they are not applied uniformly, they can stain. Learn how to apply the self-tanner without staining your skin.

How to Make a Homemade Self Tanner

Another simple way to get a tan without the person having to be exposed to the sun, is to pass a homemade self-tanner prepared with black tea. The skin will be darker, giving the appearance of beach tan.


  • 250 mL of water; 2 tablespoons of black tea.

Method of preparation:

Put the water to a boil, add the black tea and let it boil for another 15 minutes. Put out the fire, and let it rest for 5 minutes. Strain and place the tea in a glass container, with a lid and let stand for 2 days. With the help of a cotton pad, moisten the skin with a little tea and let it dry naturally.

What not to do to tan faster

Applying coke, lemon or applying oil without sun protection, for example, while sunbathing, does not help to tan faster, it just burns the skin and endangers the person's health. The ingredients that are part of the composition of Coca-Cola, the citric acid of the lemon or the oil, burn the skin, giving the false impression of being more tanned, but do not favor the formation of melanin, which is the skin's natural pigment, which gives it a darker tone.

Watch the following video and also learn how to prepare a delicious juice that helps you tan faster:

How to sunbathe fast in the sun