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How to do a mammogram without pain (and other doubts)


Do only people who have cancer in the family need a mammogram every year? And is there any way to make mammography a less uncomfortable exam? Find out these answers here.

Mammography is an X-ray exam that serves to visualize the internal region of the breasts. It must be performed on all women aged 40 years and over, every year. By analyzing the results, the mastologist will be able to identify benign lesions and even breast cancer early, thus increasing the chances of curing this disease.

See how digital mammography is done, the technique that causes less pain and is indicated for women with large, dense breasts or who have silicone prosthesis.

The most common questions regarding mammography are:

1. Is there any way that mammography doesn't hurt?

Yes there is. The test is uncomfortable and can hurt some women, especially if it is performed days before menstruation, when the breasts are more sensitive, so it is advisable to do the test right after the end of menstruation.

2. Only those who have cancer in the family need a mammogram every year?

No. Mammography must be performed every year by women over 40 years of age. If there are risk factors for breast cancer or changes in the previous results, the mastologist may order the exam in a shorter period of time or order another imaging exam, such as breast ultrasound.

Women who have mothers or grandparents with breast cancer will be able to have their first mammogram at 35 years of age because they are at greater risk of having the same disease.

3. Is mammography the only test that detects breast cancer?

No. There are other tests, such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, that are also useful for diagnosis, but mammography remains the best test for the early detection of any breast disorder, in addition to decreasing breast cancer mortality. Therefore, it is the choice of every mastologist.

4. Who breastfeeds can get a mammogram?

No. Mammography is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Therefore, if the woman is in one of these situations, other tests such as ultrasound or MRI should be performed.

5. Is mammography expensive?

No. When the woman is being monitored by SUS, she can do the mammogram for free, but this exam can also be done by any health plan. In addition, if the person has no health insurance, there are laboratories and clinics that offer discounts to those who become loyal and take the exam annually. In private clinics each mammogram costs between 200 and 300 reais.

6. Is the mammography result always correct?

Yes. The mammography result is always correct but it must be seen and interpreted by the doctor who requested it because the results can be misinterpreted by people who are not in the health field. Ideally, a suspicious result should be seen by a mastologist, who is the breast specialist. You can check what the mammography result can indicate here.

7. Does breast cancer always appear on mammography?

No. Whenever the breasts are very dense and there is a lump, it may not be seen through mammography. As well, not all lumps can be felt in breast self-examination.

For this reason, it is very important that, in addition to mammography, a physical examination of the breasts and armpits is performed by the mastologist, as this way you can find changes such as nodules, skin and nipple changes, palpable lymph nodes in the armpit. If the doctor palpates a lump, he may request a mammogram, even if the woman is not yet 40 years old because whenever breast cancer is suspected, it is necessary to investigate.

How to do a mammogram without pain (and other doubts)