Home Symptoms Treatment options for menstrual cramps

Treatment options for menstrual cramps


Menstrual cramps are quite uncomfortable and can even interfere with the woman's daily activities. Thus, to end menstrual cramps, women can adopt some treatment options, such as the use of medicines, such as Ponstan or Buscopan, for example. It is important that the use of medication is indicated by the gynecologist according to the intensity of the pain.

Other options for relieving colic are the consumption of teas that are capable of reducing abdominal and uterine muscle spasms, such as mango leaf tea and lavender tea, for example, in addition to massages in the abdominal region and warm water compress. about the pain site when lying down.

If menstrual cramps are very severe and other associated symptoms appear, such as migraine, dizziness or nausea, for example, it is important to see a gynecologist so that the best treatment is indicated.

Colic Remedies

Colic can be combated with the use of some medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, anti-spasmodics and contraceptives, for example. It is important that the consumption of medication for colic is done under the guidance of the gynecologist, as the doctor may indicate the best medicine according to the intensity of the pain. See what are the remedies for colic.

Natural treatment

The natural treatment to relieve menstrual cramps can be done with teas that have analgesic and anti-spasmodic properties, avoiding the contraction of the uterine muscles and thus avoiding pain. Some tea options that can be used to relieve menstrual cramps are lavender tea, oregano tea and mango leaf tea, for example.

To make tea from mango leaves, just put 20g of leaves in 1 liter of boiling water and leave for about 10 minutes. Then strain and drink at least 4 times a day for the 2 days preceding menstruation and the first day of menstruation. Learn about other home remedies for menstrual cramps.

Homemade solutions

An alternative to teas is to perform massages to relieve cramps, as they help to reduce abdominal spasms, reducing pain. This massage can be done by the woman herself, and can be done several times throughout the day. It is recommended that a heated oil or moisturizer be used to make the massage. See how to do the massage for menstrual cramps.

Another way to relieve colic is to place a compress of warm water on the belly when lying down, as it helps to relieve pain. In addition, it is important to pay attention to food, as some foods and drinks can increase pain, such as coffee, chocolate, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. Check out 6 tips to reduce colic.

Treatment options for menstrual cramps