Home Pregnancy What can cause a risky pregnancy

What can cause a risky pregnancy


Having diabetes or hypertension, being a smoker or having a twin pregnancy are some situations that lead to a risky pregnancy, because the chances of having complications are greater and, therefore, in many cases, the woman has to go to the gynecologist of Every 15 days.

A risky pregnancy can cause complications for both the pregnant woman and the baby and include situations like abortion, premature birth, growth retardation and Down syndrome, for example.

Generally, high-risk pregnancies develop in women who, before becoming pregnant, already have risk factors or situations, such as being diabetic or being overweight. However, pregnancy can be developing naturally and problems arise at any time during pregnancy. The following are the main factors that lead to a risky pregnancy:

1. High blood pressure and pre-eclampsia

High blood pressure in pregnancy is a common problem and occurs when it is greater than 140/90 mmHg after two measurements taken with a minimum of 6 hours between them.

High blood pressure in pregnancy can be caused by a diet rich in salt, a sedentary lifestyle or malformation of the placenta, increasing the chances of having pre-eclampsia, which is the increase in blood pressure and loss of proteins, which can lead to miscarriage, seizures, coma and even the death of the mother and baby, when the situation is not properly controlled.

2. Diabetes

A woman who is diabetic or who develops the disease during pregnancy has a high-risk pregnancy because high blood sugar can cross the placenta and reach the baby, which can cause it to grow a lot and weigh more than 4 kg.

Thus, a large baby makes delivery difficult, making it necessary to have a cesarean, and there is a greater chance of being born with problems such as jaundice, low blood sugar and breathing problems.

3. Twin pregnancy

Twin pregnancy is considered at risk because the uterus has to develop more and all the symptoms of pregnancy are more present.

In addition, there are greater chances of having all the complications of a pregnancy, especially high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes and back pain, for example.

4. Consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs

The consumption of alcohol and drugs, such as heroin, during pregnancy cross the placenta and affect the baby causing growth retardation, mental retardation and malformations in the heart and face and, therefore, it is necessary to do several tests to check how the baby is developing.

Cigarette smoke also increases the chances of having an abortion, which can cause effects on the baby and the pregnant woman, such as muscle fatigue, lack of blood sugar, memory loss, breathing difficulties and withdrawal syndrome.

5. Use of dangerous drugs during pregnancy

In some cases the pregnant woman has to take medication to control chronic illnesses so as not to put her life at risk or she took some medication that she didn’t know was damaging the pregnancy and, its use leads to pregnancy being at risk due to the side effects that can have for the baby.

Some medications include phenytoin, triamterene, trimethoprim, lithium, streptomycin, tetracyclines and warfarin, morphine, amphetamines, barbiturates, codeine and phenothiazines.

6. Weak immune system

When the pregnant woman has vaginal infections, herpes, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, syphilis, listeriosis, or toxoplasmosis for example, pregnancy is considered risky because the woman needs to take several drugs and treatment with antibiotics that can cause side effects in the baby.

In addition, pregnant women with diseases such as AIDS, cancer or hepatitis have a weakened immune system and therefore increase the chances of complications during pregnancy.

Having problems such as epilepsy, heart disease, kidney malfunction or gynecological diseases also require greater monitoring of the pregnant woman because it can lead to a risky pregnancy.

7. Pregnancy in adolescence or after 35 years

Pregnancy under the age of 17 can be dangerous because the young woman's body is not fully prepared to support the pregnancy.

In addition, after 35 years of age, women may have more difficulty conceiving and the chances of having a baby with chromosomal changes are greater, such as Down's Syndrome.

8. Pregnant with low weight or obesity

Very thin pregnant women, with a BMI below 18.5, may have a premature birth, miscarriage and growth retardation of the baby because the pregnant woman offers little nutrients to the baby, limiting its growth, which can lead to getting sick easily and developing heart disease..

In addition, women who are overweight, especially when their BMI is greater than 35, were more at risk of complications and may also affect the baby who may develop obesity and diabetes.

9. Problems in previous pregnancy

When the pregnant woman has a delivery before the expected date, the baby is born with changes or has growth retardation, there were several repeated abortions or even death soon after birth, pregnancy is considered risky because there may be a genetic predisposition that can harm the baby.

How to avoid complications during a risky pregnancy

When a pregnancy is at risk, all the obstetrician's indications must be followed. It is essential to eat healthy, avoiding fried foods, sweets and artificial sweeteners, in addition to not consuming alcoholic beverages or smoking.

In addition, it is also important to take the rest that the doctor recommends, control the weight gain and take the medication only as the doctor prescribes. See details about the care you should take during pregnancy at risk.

In addition, the doctor may recommend blood and urine tests, ultrasounds, amniocentesis and biopsy to assess your health and that of your baby.

When to go to the doctor during a risky pregnancy

A woman with a high-risk pregnancy needs to be monitored by the obstetrician regularly to assess the health status of the baby and the pregnant woman, going to the doctor whenever he says so.

However, it is usually recommended to go twice a month and hospitalization during pregnancy may be necessary to balance the state of health and avoid complications for the baby and the mother.

In addition, some of the signs that may indicate danger include bleeding from the vagina, uterine contractions ahead of time, or not feeling the baby moving for more than a day. Know all signs that indicate a risky pregnancy.

What can cause a risky pregnancy