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Home remedy to take away hunger


Two good home remedies for taking hunger are the pineapple juice with cucumber or the strawberry smoothie with carrot that should be made and taken in the afternoon and mid-morning snack because they are rich in fibers that help to decrease appetite, in addition to of vitamins, minerals that enrich and food.

Pineapple and cucumber juice

This juice, in addition to being rich in fibers that decrease appetite, has flaxseed, which creates a gel in the stomach and gives satiety, further reducing the desire to eat.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together 1 tablespoon of cucumber and 1 tbsp of the pineapple.

Method of preparation

Cut the cucumber into pieces, then remove the pineapple peel and cut the two slices into smaller pieces. Place all ingredients in a blender and beat until it becomes a homogeneous mixture without large pieces.

You should drink a glass of this juice in the morning on an empty stomach and another glass in the evening.

Strawberry and carrot smoothie

This vitamin has; strawberry, carrot, apple, mango and orange, which are high fiber foods that decrease appetite. In addition, there is yogurt, which because it is rich in protein, gives you more satiety taking away hunger.


  • 2 oranges2 carrots1 apple1 mango6 strawberries150 ml plain yogurt

Method of preparation

Peel the carrots, apple, mango and orange and put in a blender. Add the strawberries and, finally, the yogurt, beating well until creamy.

These ingredients make for 2 glasses of this vitamin. Drink 1 glass before lunch and another before dinner.

Learn about other strategies for not getting hungry in the following video:

Home remedy to take away hunger