Home Pregnancy Teas you can't take while breastfeeding

Teas you can't take while breastfeeding


Some teas should not be taken during lactation because they can alter the taste of milk, impair breastfeeding or cause discomfort such as diarrhea, gas or irritation in the baby. In addition, some teas can also interfere with the production of breast milk, reducing its quantity.

Thus, it is important that the mother consult the obstetrician or a herbalist before taking any type of tea while breastfeeding.

Teas that decrease milk production

Some of the herbs that appear to further reduce breast milk production include:

Lemongrass Oregano
Parsley Pepper mint
Periwinkle Herb Sage
Thyme Yarrow

Teas that can pass into milk

The teas that can pass into breast milk can not only alter the taste and make breastfeeding difficult, but also cause some type of effect on the baby. Some of the teas that are generally known to pass into milk are:

  • Kava Kava tea: used to treat anxiety and insomnia; Carqueja Tea: used to relieve flu symptoms or treat digestive and intestinal problems; Angélica Tea: indicated for the treatment of digestive and stomach problems, anxiety, colic and headache; Ginseng tea: used to treat tiredness and fatigue; Licorice root tea: used to relieve symptoms of bronchitis, phlegm, constipation and cold; Dwarf palm tea: indicated for the treatment of cystitis, phlegm and cough.

Other teas such as fenugreek tea, fennel, star anise, garlic and echinacea should be avoided during breastfeeding because there is no scientific evidence that they are safe during lactation.

These lists are not complete, so it is always important to consult a doctor or herbalist before starting to use a new tea while breastfeeding.

Teas you can take while breastfeeding

Some teas such as chamomile or ginger, for example, can be used in breastfeeding to treat problems in the mother or baby. For example, if the baby has colic, the mother can drink lavender tea which, when passed through the milk, can help the baby. See other home remedy options for baby colic.

Another example is Silymarin, which is extracted from the medicinal plant Cardo-Mariano, which can be used to increase the production of breast milk, under medical advice. See how to use this natural remedy to increase breast milk production.

Thus, the important thing is for the lactating woman to try some teas, under the recommendation of the doctor or herbalist, and to stop drinking it if she or the baby experiences any side effect.

Teas you can't take while breastfeeding