Home Bulls Heartburn and burning in the stomach: what to do to relieve

Heartburn and burning in the stomach: what to do to relieve


The burning sensation in the stomach and throat is usually caused by poor digestion and reflux, which is when the contents in the stomach end up rising through the esophagus causing this discomfort, which tends to get worse at bedtime.

Natural solutions such as drinking cold water, eating an apple and trying to relax a little can be useful in cases where these symptoms appear after eating fatty meals or excessive alcohol consumption, for example.

When symptoms are frequent, and reflux is present more than 15 days a month, heartburn and burning can develop damage to the esophagus and erosion of the teeth. In these cases, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is recommended, as he can order tests with digestive endoscopy, to assess the health of the esophagus and stomach.

Home Remedies

Some natural ways to combat heartburn and burning in the stomach include:

  • Drink small sips of cold water; Eat a small piece of bread crumb; Eat 1 apple or pear without shell; Suck 1 lemon.

These practices help to push the stomach bolus back into the stomach and even decrease stomach acidity.

Pharmacy remedies

In some cases, the doctor may recommend the use of antacid medications, such as aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide and sodium bicarbonate, inhibitors of acid production, such as omeprazole, accelerators of gastric emptying, such as domperidone or gastric protectors, such as sucralfate, for example.

These drugs should only be taken under medical guidance, as they have contraindications and side effects. See more about the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux and know what medicines the doctor can prescribe.

Strategies to combat heartburn and burning in the stomach

To assist in the treatment of heartburn and burning in the stomach, some measures should be adopted, such as:

  • Raise the head of the bed; Weight loss, as abdominal volume also causes heartburn; Quit smoking; Avoid fatty, fried and spicy foods; Avoid drinking coffee, black tea, hot chocolate and soda; Eat small meals throughout the day, avoiding eat a lot at once; avoid doing isometric exercises, such as the abdominal plank and common abdominals; sleep lying on your side, under your left side, especially if you lie down after eating; avoid stressful situations.

When using drugs and adopting these precautions, heartburn and burning persist, after about 6 months to 1 year, the doctor may recommend an anti-reflux surgery, which consists of placing an anti-reflux valve in the stomach. Find out how the surgery is done.

Also watch the following video and check out some of these tips:

Heartburn and burning in the stomach: what to do to relieve