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Food reeducation: 3 steps to do it correctly


The best way to lose weight without running the risk of gaining weight again is to do a dietary reeducation to be able to eat everything, but in the right measure, without having to resort to weight loss drugs or surgery, achieving definitive results.

Dietary reeducation is, without a doubt, the best recipe to lose weight healthily and forever, and consists of eating healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, vegetables and lean meats instead of cakes, cookies, soft drinks, sandwiches and "heavy" foods, such as feijoada, fried foods and lasagna, for example.

To find out exactly how many pounds you need to lose weight to reach your ideal weight, enter your data below:

The step-by-step to achieve a dietary reeducation consists of:

1. Drink 2 liters of water a day

Hydration with water is very important because water has no calories and cleanses toxins from the body, facilitating detoxification. The ideal is to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water, but if you have any difficulty drinking all this water, try putting a little piece of ginger or squeezing half a lemon into a bottle of cold water and drinking several sips during the day.

Another possibility to drink more liquids is to drink tea without sugar, but never drink industrialized juice, soda or natural juices with sugar because they provide extra energy, but dehydrate.

2. Eat every 3 hours

Eating every 3 hours is ideal because the blood glucose level is more stable and you feel less hungry and can concentrate better at school or work. To be able to eat every 3 hours, a smaller amount of food should be consumed at each meal, which should consist of breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and supper. If you think you can't make snacks, try eating less for breakfast and lunch, and if you have a hard time eating breakfast, try eating less for dinner and supper.

3. Re-educate the palate

To choose the best food you must re-educate the palate. Salads, soups and cooked vegetables will taste better when you stop eating processed foods that are full of flavorings and flavor enhancers.

If you don't like some food and know that it is important because it is full of vitamins and because it has less calories than a hamburger, for example, try it several times. Cooking the vegetables with a bay leaf and adding a crushed garlic clove to the soups can give a more pleasant flavor, facilitating adaptation.

Try new recipes and always opt for whole foods, because they reduce hunger in addition to regulating the intestine, and stop eating fast food and fried foods. Eat at least 2 fruits a day, they are great as a dessert.

For these changes to be implemented on a day-to-day basis, 1 change per week must be made until it becomes a habit that will be adopted forever. See more tips on how to eat well without getting fat and starving.

Weight loss menu with food reeducation

An example of a 3-day menu for those who want to lose weight with dietary reeducation is:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 cereal bread with white cheese and pineapple juice. 1 yogurt with 2 tablespoons of granola and 3 strawberries. Avocado smoothie with 2 toasts
Collation 1 plain yogurt with honey 1 slice of white cheese with pear 3 crackers with sesame
Lunch 1 grilled turkey steak with brown rice and red cabbage salad, peppers and corn, seasoned with lemon juice and oregano. 1 slice of 100 g of watermelon, for dessert. 1 boiled egg with 1 boiled potato and braised cabbage. 1 dessert orange. 1 grilled chicken leg with 1 tablespoon of cooked and sautéed pasta with tomato, onion and eggplant. 1 dessert pear.
Snack 1 yogurt with 2 tablespoons of oat flakes. 1 carrot on sticks and 2 toasts with white cheese 1 banana and 5 nuts
Dinner 1 slice of boyfriend fish baked in the oven with potatoes and carrots. 1 apple for dessert. 1 piece of grilled salmon with brown rice and cooked broccoli seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. 1 slice of 100 g of melon, for dessert. 1 piece of cooked hake with 1 boiled potato and boiled cauliflower seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. 1 dessert kiwi
Supper Mint tea and 2 toast Orange juice and 1/2 bread with butter 1 plain yogurt with honey

Weight loss through dietary reeducation is ideal because despite the apparent delay in losing weight, it teaches you how to eat correctly, reducing the risk of the accordion effect, which is common in very restrictive diets.

Eating a balanced diet, guided by a nutritionist, without failing a single day, for 3 weeks guarantees food reeducation, and it is easier to lose weight and have iron health. Colorful eating is important for a balanced diet, see how colorful eating can improve health.

If you have trouble eating fruits, vegetables and whole foods, watch the video below and see tips for eating what you don't like and re-educating your palate.

In addition, practicing physical activity 3 times a week is also very important to lose weight, here are some exercises you can do at home to keep your belly up.

Food reeducation: 3 steps to do it correctly