Home Bulls How to take the contraceptive correctly to not get pregnant

How to take the contraceptive correctly to not get pregnant


To avoid unwanted pregnancies, take one contraceptive tablet every day until the end of the pack, always at the same time.

Most contraceptives come with 21 pills, but there are also pills with 24 or 28 pills, which differ by the amount of hormones you have, the time between breaks and the occurrence or not of menstruation.

How to take the contraceptive for the first time

To take the 21-day contraceptive for the first time, you should ingest the 1st pill in the pack on the 1st day of menstruation and continue to take 1 pill a day at the same time until the end of the pack, following the instructions on the package insert. When finished, you should take a 7-day break at the end of each pack and start the next one only on the 8th day, even if the period has ended earlier or has not yet ended.

The following figure shows the example of a 21-pill contraceptive, in which the first pill was taken on March 8 and the last pill was taken on March 28. Thus, the interval was made between March 29th and April 4th, when menstruation must have occurred, and the next card should start on April 5th.

For pills with 24 pills, the pause between packs is only 4 days, and for pills with 28 capsules there is no break. If you are in doubt, see How to choose the best contraceptive method.

How to take the 21-day contraceptive

  • Examples: Selene, Yasmin, Diane 35, Level, Femina, Gynera, cycle 21, Thames 20, Microvlar.

One tablet should be taken daily until the end of the pack, always at the same time, totaling 21 days with a pill. When the pack is finished, you should take a 7-day break, which is when your period should come down, and start a new pack on the 8th day.

How to take the 24-day contraceptive

  • Examples: Minima, Mirelle, Yaz, Siblima, Iumi.

One tablet should be taken daily until the end of the pack, always at the same time, totaling 24 days with a pill. Then, you should take a 4-day break, when menstruation normally occurs, and start a new pack on the 5th day after the break.

How to take the 28-day contraceptive

  • Examples: Micronor, Adoless, Gestinol, Elani 28, Cerazette.

One tablet should be taken daily until the end of the pack, always at the same time, totaling 28 days with a pill. When you finish the card, you should start another one the next day, without pausing between them. However, if frequent bleeding occurs, the gynecologist should be contacted to reevaluate the amount of hormones needed to regulate the menstrual cycle and, if necessary, to prescribe a new contraceptive.

How to take the injectable contraceptive

There are 2 different types, the monthly and the quarterly.

  • Monthly examples: Perlutan, Preg-less, Mesigyna, Noregyna, Cycloprovera and Cyclofemina.

The injection must be applied by the nurse or pharmacist, preferably on the 1st day of menstruation, with tolerance of up to 5 days after the menstruation has dropped. The following injections should be applied every 30 days. Find out more details about taking this contraceptive injection.

  • Quarterly examples: Depo-Provera and Contracep.

The injection must be given up to 7 days after the menstruation has dropped, and the following injections must be given after 90 days, with no delay of more than 5 days to guarantee the effectiveness of the injection. Learn more curiosities about taking this quarterly contraceptive injection.

What time does the contraceptive take?

The birth control pill can be taken at any time of the day, but it is important that it is always taken at the same time to avoid diminishing its effect. So, not to forget to take the contraceptive, some tips are:

  • Place a daily alarm on your cell phone; Store the card in a clearly visible and easily accessible place; Associate the pill intake with a daily habit, such as brushing your teeth, for example.

It is also important to remember that the ideal is to avoid taking the pill on an empty stomach, as it can cause stomach upset and pain.

What to do if you forget to take it on time

In case of forgetfulness, take the forgotten tablet as soon as you remember, even if it is necessary to take 2 tablets at the same time. If the forgetfulness has been for less than 12 hours after the usual contraceptive time, the effect of the pill will be maintained and you should continue taking the rest of the pack as normal.

However, if the forgetfulness has been for more than 12 hours or more than 1 pill has been forgotten in the same pack, the contraceptive may have its effect reduced, and the package insert should be read to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and use a condom to prevent a pregnancy.

Clarify these and other questions in the following video:

What to do if menstruation doesn't go down?

If menstruation does not go down during the contraceptive break period and all pills have been taken correctly, there is no risk of pregnancy and the next pack should be started normally.

In cases where the pill has been forgotten, especially when more than 1 tablet has been forgotten, there is a risk of pregnancy and the ideal is to do a pregnancy test that can be bought at the pharmacy or do a blood test in a laboratory.

How to take the contraceptive correctly to not get pregnant