Home Symptoms 9 Main benefits of cabbage

9 Main benefits of cabbage


Cabbage is a vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked, for example, and can be an accompaniment to meals or the main ingredient. Cabbage is rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as being low in calories and low in fats, making it a great ally in the weight loss process and in strengthening the immune system, for example.

This vegetable can be classified according to its texture as smooth and curly and also for its color as purple and white. Both red and white cabbage have the same benefits, however red cabbage has a higher concentration of phosphorus and selenium, while white cabbage is richer in vitamin A and folic acid, for example.

Cabbage Benefits

Cabbage is a vegetable rich in vitamin and minerals, with several health benefits, the main ones being:

  1. Strengthens the immune system, as it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants; Prevents cardiovascular diseases, as it has antioxidants and prevents cholesterol from being absorbed in the body, reducing cholesterol levels; Controls blood pressure, because it promotes the elimination of sodium in the urine; It assists in the blood clotting process, since it provides vitamin K, which is essential for the coagulation cascade; It improves the appearance and slows down the aging of the skin, because the antioxidants prevents the accumulation of free radicals, preventing the appearance of brown spots on the skin and expression lines; It helps to lose weight, since it is a low-calorie vegetable and rich in fibers, vitamins and minerals; Prevents stomach problems, especially gastritis, since it is able to prevent the H. pylori bacteria from staying in the stomach and proliferating; Strengthens bones, as it is rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium; It improves the functioning of the intestine, since it is rich in fibers.

In addition, cabbage can be useful to help control the inflammatory process, in addition to helping to treat rheumatism, gout and nausea and prevent the appearance of ulcers.

The consumption of cabbage does not have many contraindications, since it is a very nutritionally rich vegetable and has several benefits, however its consumption in excess can lead to an increase in gases, since it has a lot of sulfur in its composition, which can be a little uncomfortable.

In addition, breastfeeding women should avoid consuming cabbage as it can cause colic in the baby. Thus, it is recommended that the nutritionist indicate the amount and the most appropriate form of consumption for the person.

Cabbage nutritional table

The following table provides nutritional information for 100 g of raw cabbage.

Components Raw cabbage
Energy 25 kcal
Protein 1.4 g
Carbohydrates 4.3 g
Dietary fiber 2.5 g
Lipids 0.2 g
Vitamin C 36.6 mg
Vitamin A 10 mcg
Potassium 160.8 mg
Calcium 53 mg
Phosphor 32 mg
Iron 0.57 mg
Magnesium 35 mg
Sulfur 32.9 mg
Copper 0.06 mg
Sodium 41.1 mg

Recipes with cabbage

Although the greatest benefits of cabbage are due to the consumption of raw vegetables, it is possible to consume cabbage in different ways and make the most of nutrients so that it has benefits.

Cabbage can be used as an accompaniment or as an ingredient in some dishes, such as:

1. Cabbage au gratin

The cabbage gratin is a healthy and quick way to consume the cabbage and is a great accompaniment to a healthy lunch, for example.


  • 2 cabbages; 1 onion; 2 cloves of garlic to taste; 1 box of sour cream or ricotta cream; 1.5 tablespoon of butter; Salt to taste; Light mozzarella; 1 cup of milk.

Method of preparation

Cut the cabbage and place in a pan with boiling water and leave for a few minutes until it wilts. Meanwhile, melt the butter in another pan to sauté the garlic and onion, which should be cut into small pieces.

Then add the cream, salt and cheese and mix until completely homogeneous. Then add the cabbage, mix again, place on a platter and bake. In addition, you can put grated cheese on top before taking the dish to the oven.

2. braised cabbage

Braised cabbage is also a great option to accompany meals.


  • 1 cabbage cut into strips; 1 clove of garlic; 2 teaspoons of oil; salt and pepper to taste; 1 diced tomato; 1 cup of peas; 1 cup of corn; 50 ml of water.

Method of preparation

First, put the oil, garlic and chopped onion in a pan and then the cabbage and water. Season with salt and pepper and cook until the cabbage wilts.

Then add the chopped tomatoes, peas and corn, mix well and serve.

3. Cabbage juice

Cabbage juice helps with the weight loss process and can be consumed every day and mixed with other fruits, such as apples and oranges, for example.


  • 3 cabbage leaves; 1 orange juice; 500 ml of water.

Method of preparation

Wash the cabbage leaves well and beat in a blender together with the orange juice. Then strain and sweeten according to preference. It is recommended to drink the juice as soon as you are ready to make the most of the nutrients and benefits.

9 Main benefits of cabbage