Home Bulls Premature ejaculation: 6 treatment options

Premature ejaculation: 6 treatment options


Premature ejaculation occurs when a man reaches orgasm in the first seconds after penetration or before he has penetrated, which is ultimately unsatisfactory for the couple.

This sexual dysfunction is more common in adolescents, due to hormonal changes, which make them more excitable, but it can also appear in adults, being, in these cases, more related to psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety or fear, for example.

Premature ejaculation can be controlled with the use of some techniques and exercises, but in some cases it may even be necessary to use medication or psychotherapy. Thus, it is best to always consult a urologist to identify the possible cause of premature ejaculation and start the most appropriate treatment.

Treatment options to control ejaculation

The urologist can recommend and guide several types of treatment, which include:

1. Start-stop technique

This technique is widely used and helps to get the man used to take longer to ejaculate. For this, the technique is done with gradual steps, which include:

  1. On the first day, the man should masturbate with a dry hand, making 3 movements and stopping for 2 or 3 seconds. After each pause, 3 movements must be made again and stopped. This pattern must be maintained 10 times. If ejaculation occurs before those 10 times, you must repeat the exercise in the following days until you can hold it 10 times; after being able to do 10 times of 3 movements, you must repeat the technique, but with 5 consecutive movements, interspersed with pauses; when you are able to do 10 times of 5 movements, you start doing 7 movements in a row; after reaching 10 times with 7 movements in a row, you must repeat the whole technique, starting again with the 3 movements, but with the damp hand, using some kind of lubricant or petroleum jelly; when the 7 movements are reached again, the technique must be repeated, but by the partner.

Each step of this technique must be done on different days or a few hours apart, so that the stimulus and the desire to ejaculate are similar.

Ideally, during this technique it is expected that the man will learn to identify the sensations and will be able to control them, prolonging the time until ejaculation. To obtain the best results, it is important to follow up the technique with a urologist.

2. Compression technique

In this technique the man learns to recognize the sensations that arise before ejaculation and to control them. The great advantage of this technique is that it can be done by the man himself, without the help of his partner.

To do this, you must do stimulation of the penis, through masturbation or sexual intercourse, and, when you feel that you will ejaculate, you must stop and put pressure on the head of the penis.

To do this, place your thumb on the underside of the head of the penis, above the bridle, and with your index and middle finger, press over the penis, enclosing the urethra. The pressure should be maintained for 3 to 4 seconds and should be slightly uncomfortable, but without causing pain. This technique should be repeated a maximum of 5 times in a row.

Another compression option is to tighten at the base of the penis. This technique can be done during penetration, but it is important to ask the partner not to move, avoiding stimulation when making the compression.

3. Desensitization technique

This is a very simple technique, but it may not have worked for all men, as it consists of making masturbation 1 to 2 hours before sexual intercourse, which reduces the sensitivity to orgasm.

In addition, if the man does not use a condom, as he already has a long-term relationship, the urologist can advise its use, as it usually decreases the sensitivity of the penis, allowing control of orgasm.

4. Doing Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises allow you to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which are the group of muscles that are in the pelvic area and around the urethra. When these muscles become stronger, the man may be able to control ejaculation better, preventing it from occurring when he contracts them, for example.

These exercises should be done every day in 10 sets of 10 repetitions. Here's a step-by-step guide to doing Kegel exercises correctly.

5. Use of topical anesthetics

Some ointments or sprays that contain an anesthetic substance, such as lidocaine or benzocaine, can be used to decrease the sensitivity of the penis and increase the duration of the sexual act, without the occurrence of ejaculation. This type of product must be indicated by the doctor and need to be applied about 10 to 15 minutes before intercourse.

In addition to these products, there are also condoms that contain the anesthetic inside and that can also be used. Some examples are:

  • Durex Extended Pleasure; Prudence Retarding Effect; Prudence Ice.

Although anesthetics have an excellent effect in delaying ejaculation, they can also have some side effects, the most common of which is that men refer to decreased pleasure by decreased sensitivity.

6. Use of medicines

The remedies are generally used when the other techniques do not have the intended results. The remedies should always be recommended by the urologist and, generally, include antidepressants, such as Sertraline, Fluoxetine or Trazodone, for example, which treat, mainly anxiety, which is very common in these cases.

Check out a more complete list of the most used remedies for premature ejaculation.

Is premature ejaculation curable?

The cure of premature ejaculation can be achieved using simple techniques of self-control, but when this is not enough one can try to decrease the sensitivity of the male sexual organ or take medications prescribed by the doctor. A great strategy to cure premature ejaculation is to perform kegel exercises about 300 times a day, every day.

Premature ejaculation: 6 treatment options