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How to care for the baby with reflux


To take care of the baby with reflux, which is the regurgitation of milk after breastfeeding, parents should take some precautions such as placing the baby to burp during and after feedings and avoid lying the baby in the first 30 minutes after meals, as it is normal that, due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract, the baby can pocket.

In addition, other important precautions to prevent reflux in babies include:

  • Breastfeed the baby in an upright position, as it allows the milk to stay in the stomach; Keep the baby with the mouth well filled with the nipple or the nipple of the bottle, to avoid swallowing too much air; Give frequent meals during the day, but in small amounts so as not to fill the stomach too much; Introduce baby food with the guidance of the pediatrician, as it also helps to reduce regurgitation; Avoid rocking the baby up to 2 hours after breastfeeding, even if the baby is comfortable, so that the stomach contents do not rise into the mouth; Place the baby on his stomach and use a wedge under the bed mattress or an anti-reflux pillow to raise the baby during sleep, reducing reflux at night, for example.

In some cases the pediatrician may also recommend removing cow's milk from the baby's diet, if it is being used and the baby shows signs of allergy to milk protein, as well as thickening the milk offered to the baby with cornmeal, rice flour or products like Mucilon. Dairy formulas can also be interesting to treat reflux, as they prevent regurgitation and decrease the loss of nutrients, however if the baby already uses the formula and has reflux, the pediatrician may recommend changing the formula.

Usually, reflux in babies improves after 3 months of age, as the stomach sphincter becomes stronger after that age. However, it is possible that some babies maintain this problem for a longer time, which may indicate the presence of food allergy or gastroesophageal reflux, which should be evaluated by the pediatrician.

When should the baby be treated for reflux?

The treatment of reflux in the baby is indicated only when other symptoms are verified and there is a risk of complications. If there are no symptoms, reflux is considered to be physiological and monitoring by a pediatrician is recommended. In such cases, even if there is regurgitation, it is recommended to maintain breastfeeding and to introduce food gradually according to the pediatrician's guidance.

In the case of non-physiological reflux, treatment may vary according to the symptoms presented by the baby and his age, and the use of remedies for gastroesophageal reflux, such as Omeprazole, Domperidone or Ranitidine, as well as changes in the baby's diet, may be recommended, for example. In addition, it is important to maintain care at home, as a position for breastfeeding, to feed several times a day but in smaller quantities and to lay the baby on their backs.

When to go to the pediatrician

Pediatricians should be consulted to start reflux treatment when the baby has frequent irritability during or after meals, refusal to eat, developmental delay or difficulty gaining weight, and vomiting in large quantities up to 2 hours after breastfeeding.

In these cases, reflux is not considered physiological, but is indicative of reflux disease and should be treated according to the pediatrician's recommendation. Know how to recognize the symptoms of reflux in a baby.

How to care for the baby with reflux