Home Bulls Treatment to fight the pimples in the newborn

Treatment to fight the pimples in the newborn


The baby's pimples, known scientifically as neonatal acne, are the result of the normal change in the baby's skin caused mainly by the exchange of hormones between the mother and the baby during pregnancy and after delivery, which leads to the formation of small red or white balls on the baby's face, forehead, head or back.

Generally, the pimples in the baby are more frequent in the newborn less than 1 month, however, in some cases, they can also appear up to 6 months of age. If the pimples appear after 6 months, it is advisable to consult the pediatrician to assess if there is any hormonal problem and, thus, the appropriate treatment is started.

The baby's pimples are not severe or cause discomfort and rarely need treatment, disappearing after 2 to 3 weeks after they appear. However, in any case, the pediatrician should be consulted to indicate the necessary care to facilitate the elimination of pimples.

How to treat pimples in baby

It is usually not necessary to carry out any type of treatment for the baby's pimples, as they disappear after a few weeks, and it is only recommended that parents keep the baby's skin very clean with water and soap of suitable neutral pH.

Some cares that reduce the redness of the skin that appears due to the pimples are:

  • Dress the baby in cotton clothes suitable for the season, preventing it from getting too hot; Clean the saliva or milk whenever the baby swims, preventing it from drying on the skin; Do not use acne products sold in pharmacies, as they are not adapted for the baby's skin; avoid squeezing the pimples or rubbing them during the bath, as it can worsen the inflammation; do not apply oily creams on the skin, especially in the affected area, because it causes an increase in the pimples.

In the most severe cases, in which the baby's acne takes more than 3 months to disappear, it is recommended to go back to the pediatrician to assess the need to start treatment with some medicine. See other causes of redness on the baby's skin.

What causes

It is not yet known for certain what are the causes of the appearance of pimples in the baby, but it is thought that it may be related to maternal hormones.

Treatment to fight the pimples in the newborn