Home Bulls How to prevent involuntary ejaculation during sleep

How to prevent involuntary ejaculation during sleep


Nocturnal ejaculation, scientifically called spermatorrhea, and popularly called 'wet dreams', is the involuntary shedding of sperm during sleep, a normal occurrence during adolescence or also during periods when a man has many days without sexual intercourse.

The main cause is the excessive production of sperm by the body, which as they are not eliminated during intimate contact, are naturally eliminated during sleep, even if the boy does not have erotic dreams or remember them, and to avoid this discomfort it is indicated to have sexual intercourse more frequently.

Treatment and Prevention

The treatment for spermatorrhea can be done naturally, increasing the consumption of garlic, onion and ginger and drinking fruit juices, such as pineapple or plum, to improve blood circulation.

In addition to the previous treatments, there are remedies such as Ashwagandha pills, a plant that regulates male hormonal functioning and increases energy in men, which can be taken to treat in the treatment, with medical guidance.

Men who suffer from spermatorrhea in adulthood should avoid spicy foods, drink water before going to bed and wear tight clothing at night. Cold water sitz baths and urinating before bed can be helpful to prevent involuntary ejaculation during the night, as well as relaxing through Yoga, quiet music and reading good books.

What it is and why it happens

The causes of nocturnal erection followed by stroke of sperm can be excessive masturbation, prolonged sexual abstinence, fatigue, erotic dreams, excessive tiredness, tightening of the foreskin or even an inflammation of the prostate, this being the least common cause.

In adolescence it is very common for men to suffer from this nocturnal pollution, as they have very high testosterone levels in the body, which causes an increase in sperm production and, consequently, the need to release their excess from the body.

Frequent episodes of this involuntary exit of sperm during sleep can be harmful to health because in some boys it can cause:

  • Depression; Low concentration; Lack of sexual appetite; Increased urge to urinate.

In these cases, the individual should consult a urologist to assess the situation and check that there are no other associated diseases.

How to prevent involuntary ejaculation during sleep