Home Symptoms How to care for the vocal cords

How to care for the vocal cords


The calluses, or nodules, in the vocal cords, as well as other problems in this region, such as polyps or laryngitis, appear most of the time due to the improper use of the voice, due to lack of heating or by excessive use of the vocal cords.

Thus, knowing how to care for the vocal cords is very important to avoid changes in the voice, difficulty in singing or even chronic hoarseness. See other signs of callus on the vocal cords and how to treat.

Although these cares are more sought after by those who constantly use their voices, such as singers, for example, they can be adopted by everyone, especially when you have a job where it is essential to talk for a long time, as with teachers or speakers. The most important precautions include:

1. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day

Water helps to hydrate the vocal cords, making them more elastic and preventing them from suffering injuries easily, especially when they are used in excess or for a long time.

Thus, if there are no injuries, it is much more difficult to form a callus, since the healing process of a lesion in the vocal cords is usually one of the main responsible for the development of the callus.

2. Have good posture when speaking or singing

Whenever using the voice, it is very important to maintain an adequate posture, with a straight back, broad shoulders and a stretched neck. This is because the larger muscles around the throat also help in the voice production process, reducing stress on the vocal cords.

Thus, when speaking in a strange or incorrect position, such as when lying on your stomach and looking to the side, for example, there is greater pressure on the vocal cords, which increases the risk of a small injury, which may contribute to the appearance of a callus.

3. Avoid coffee, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages

The use of cigarettes, either directly, or by breathing in the smoke of someone who is smoking, causes a slight irritation of the tissue that lines the vocal cords which can result in inflammation and the development of a callus or polyp in the vocal cords.

Coffee and alcoholic beverages are substances that, in addition to causing irritation, also cause the body to lose more water which ends up drying the vocal cords and the larynx, increasing the risk of injury.

In addition, irritating substances such as alcohol rinses or menthol lozenges should also be avoided, as they can cause irritation and dryness of the vocal cords.

4. Avoid talking for too long

Screaming or talking for a long time, especially in places with loud music or excessive noise, is one of the simplest ways to put pressure on the vocal cords and thus result in an injury. Therefore, it is best to always prefer to speak in a quiet place and always for periods of less than 30 minutes, taking breaks of at least 5 minutes, whenever possible.

In addition, although whispering seems to cause less effort on the vocal cords, it can also be as bad as speaking for long periods and therefore should also be avoided for long periods.

5. Eat every 3 hours

Although eating every 3 hours seems like a weight loss tip, it also helps a lot to protect the vocal cords. This is because, in this way, meals with a lot of food are avoided, which makes the stomach emptier and the acid cannot reach easily in the throat, affecting the vocal cords. This tip is especially important in people with gastroesophageal reflux, but it can be used in all cases.

It is also recommended to eat 1 apple with peel a day. Because it is an astringent food it helps to keep the mucosa clean and hydrated, in addition to helping the chewing muscles.

How to care for the vocal cords