Home Bulls Anxiety: 5 best essential oils to inhale

Anxiety: 5 best essential oils to inhale


Aromatherapy is one of the most effective natural ways to reduce stress and anxiety, even in people who suffer from anxiety disorder. However, aromatherapy can also be used on a daily basis before more stressful situations, such as taking a test, going to a job interview or giving an important speech.

In the most severe cases, in which anxiety often arises for no apparent reason, in addition to aromatherapy, it is also necessary to consult a psychologist to identify the problem and initiate appropriate treatment. See how therapy is done with the psychologist.

How to use essential oil

The best way to use the essential oil is inhalation, because that way the oil molecules can reach the brain quickly, causing rapid changes in emotions. To do this inhalation correctly, it is advisable to breathe the essential oil directly from the bottle.

So, you must open the cap, place the bottle close to your nose and inhale deeply, then keep the air inside your lungs for 2 to 3 seconds and then release the air again. Initially, you should take 3 inhalations in succession several times a day, but over time you should increase to 5 or 7 inhalations.

The ideal is always to use biological essential oils, as they have less risk of containing toxins or any other type of contaminants.

5 Best Essential Oils For Anxiety

Essential oils can be inhaled directly from the bottle, used in a fragrance or applied to the skin. In addition, some types of oils can also be ingested, however, this practice should only be done with the recommendation of a naturopath, as it can cause burns in the esophagus if not done with the proper oils.

1. Lavender

This is probably the most well-known and used essential oil to treat anxiety. This is because some studies have identified that the essential oil of lavender, or lavender, as it is also known, is able to reduce the levels of cortisol, a hormone responsible for the feeling of stress.

In addition, it has a protective action on the cardiovascular system and helps restore inner peace, reducing irritability, panic attacks and restlessness.

2. Bergamot

Bergamot is part of the citrus family and therefore has a revitalizing aroma that lowers blood pressure and heart rate, balancing nervous activity and reducing stress. In some studies, bergamot has been shown to be able to decrease the levels of glucocorticoids in the body, hormones that are responsible for increasing anxiety and stress.

3. Nardo

The essential oil of Nardo, known scientifically as Nardostachys jatamansi , has excellent relaxing, anxiolytic and antidepressant properties that allow to relieve cases of persistent anxiety and frequent emotional variations. It is a type of oil that helps to release the deepest causes of anxiety and creates a sense of inner peace.

4. Ilangue-ilangue

Ilangue-ilangue is a plant that has a revitalizing aroma that, in addition to calming and improving the mood, stimulates feelings of courage and optimism. This essential oil, when used frequently, also reduces the action of cortisol in the body.

5. Patchouli

Patchouli is the ideal essential oil for people who suffer from overwork and chronic anxiety, as it has a calming, anxiolytic and antidepressant action.

Where to buy essential oils

Essential oils can usually be purchased at health food stores and even some drugstores. However, whenever possible it is advisable to consult the seller to ask for essential oils of biological origin which, although they are more expensive, bring less health risks, as they do not have toxins that can be inhaled.

In addition, the price of each essential oil can vary widely according to the plant used in its preparation. Some brands of essential oils that have biological products are Florame or Folha D'Água, for example.

Anxiety: 5 best essential oils to inhale