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How is adenomyosis treated


Treatment for adenomyosis can be done using medications or through surgical procedures to remove excess tissue or the entire uterus. The type of treatment varies according to the woman's age and severity of symptoms, with the use of medications being recommended in milder cases.

It is important that the treatment of adenomyosis be carried out under the guidance of the gynecologist, otherwise there may be progression of symptoms and increased chances of complications in a future pregnancy.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for adenomyosis is done according to the symptoms presented by the woman and age, and the most used forms of treatment are:

  1. Use of anti-inflammatory medications, such as Ibuprofen or Ketoprofen, with the aim of reducing inflammation of the uterus and relieving abdominal cramps, being usually indicated by the gynecologist to be used 3 days before the menstrual period and maintained until the end of the cycle; Use of hormonal remedies, such as the contraceptive pill with progesterone or estrogen, which prevents menstruation and, therefore, prevents severe pain. Hormonal medications can be taken in the form of tablets or used as a vaginal ring, IUD or contraceptive patch, for example. Surgery, in which excess endometrial tissue can be removed inside the uterus when it is not yet deeply penetrated into the uterine muscle. In more severe cases, when adenomyosis causes constant pain or heavy bleeding, the doctor may indicate the permanent removal of the uterus, without having to remove the ovaries.

Thus, depending on the woman's age, the doctor will select the most appropriate form of treatment for the woman's life goals, as women who still intend to become pregnant should not be treated with hormonal drugs or surgery to remove the uterus, for example.

If the woman wishes to become pregnant, adenomyosis must be treated as soon as possible to avoid complications during pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancy, difficulty in fixing the embryo and abortion, and it is important to monitor the obstetrician during pregnancy. Learn more about adenomyosis.

Signs of improvement

The signs of improvement in adenomyosis appear about 3 weeks after the beginning of the treatment, and it can be noticed a decrease in the menstrual cycle and pain during sexual intercourse and during the menstrual cycle, in addition to the reduction of blood flow during the menstrual period.

Although there is a decrease in symptoms, it is important to follow the treatment until the doctor instructs you to stop using medications.

Signs of worsening

The signs of worsening happen when the treatment is not done correctly, with the increase in symptoms and worsening the condition of the woman, and it may be necessary to have the uterus completely removed, since there may be severe pain and bleeding, for example. See what happens after the uterus is removed.

Can adenomyosis cause infertility?

Adenomyosis does not normally interfere with fertility, however, as the disease progresses, the process of fixing the embryo to the uterine wall may become more difficult, making it difficult for women to become pregnant. In addition, adenomyosis is often accompanied by endometriosis, which can make pregnancy difficult.

How is adenomyosis treated