Home Bulls How does mirena work and how to use it to not get pregnant

How does mirena work and how to use it to not get pregnant


The Mirena IUD is an intrauterine device that contains an estrogen-free hormone called levonorgestrel, from the Bayer laboratory.

This device prevents pregnancy because it prevents the inner layer of the uterus from becoming thick and also increases the thickness of the cervical mucus so that the sperm have difficulty reaching the egg, making it difficult to move. The failure rate for this type of contraceptive is only 0.2% in the first year of use.

Before placing this IUD it is recommended to perform breast exams, blood tests to detect sexually transmitted diseases, and pap smears, in addition to assessing the position and size of the uterus.

The price of the Mirena IUD varies from 650 to 800 reais, depending on the region.


The Mirena IUD serves to prevent unwanted pregnancies and can be used to treat endometriosis and excessive menstrual bleeding, and is also indicated for protection against endometrial hyperplasia, which is the excessive growth of the inner lining layer of the uterus, during therapy estrogen replacement.

Excessive menstrual bleeding significantly reduces after 3 months of using this IUD.

How it works

After the insertion of the IUD in the uterus it releases the hormone levonorgestrel into your body at a constant rate, but in very small amounts.

As Mirena is a device to place in the womb it is normal to have doubts, learn all about this device here.

How to use

The doctor must introduce the Mirena IUD into the uterus and it can be used for up to 5 consecutive years, and must be replaced after this date by another device, without the need for any additional protection.

Intense menstrual cramps can move the IUD, reducing its effectiveness, symptoms that can evidence its displacement include abdominal pain and increased cramps, and if they are present, an appointment should be made with the gynecologist.

The Mirena IUD can be inserted 7 days after the first day of menstruation and can be used during breastfeeding, and must be implanted 6 weeks after delivery. It can also be placed immediately after the abortion as long as there are no signs of infection. It can be replaced by another IUD at any time during the menstrual cycle.

After inserting the Mirena IUD it is recommended to go back to the doctor after 4-12 weeks, and at least once a year, every year.

The IUD should not be felt during sexual intercourse, and if this happens, you should go to the doctor because the device is likely to have moved. However, it is possible to feel the wires of the device, which serve for its removal. Because of these threads it is not recommended to use tampon, because when removing it, you can move the Mirena, by touching the threads.

Side effects

After insertion of the Mirena IUD there may be no menstruation, menstrual bleeding during the month ( spotting ), increased colic in the first months of use, headache, benign ovarian cysts, skin problems, breast pain, secretion changes vaginal, mood swings, decreased libido, bloating, weight gain, nervousness, emotional instability, nausea. In most cases, the symptoms of adaptation are mild and of short duration, but dizziness can occur and therefore the doctor may recommend that you lie down for 30-40 minutes after the insertion of the IUD. In case of severe or persistent symptoms a medical consultation is necessary.


Mirena IUD is contraindicated in case of suspected pregnancy, pelvic or recurrent inflammatory disease, lower genital tract infection, postpartum endometritis, abortion in the last 3 months, cervicitis, cervical dysplasia, uterine or cervical cancer, abnormal non-uterine bleeding identified, leiomyomas, acute hepatitis, liver cancer.

How does mirena work and how to use it to not get pregnant