Home Symptoms Gall bladder surgery: how it is done and recovery time

Gall bladder surgery: how it is done and recovery time


Surgery to remove the gallbladder, technically called a cholecystectomy, is indicated in the case of an inflamed gallbladder, gallbladder stones or, less frequently, in cases of cancer.

When it occurs in a programmed way and without complications, it is usually a quick surgery, lasting an average of 45 minutes, requiring only 1 to 2 days of rest and with a recovery for normal activities in 1 to 2 weeks.

Conventional surgery

Laparoscopic surgery

Surgery can be done in 2 ways:

  • Conventional or cut surgery, also known as open surgery: done through a larger cut in the abdomen, to remove the gallbladder. It usually takes a little longer to recover, and leaves a more visible scar; Surgery by laparoscopy, or by video: it is done with 4 holes in the abdomen, through which the doctor passes the material and a small camera to perform the surgery with less manipulation and less cuts, being a surgery of a faster recovery, with less pain and minor scar.

Both surgeries are performed under general anesthesia and it usually takes only 1 to 2 days of hospitalization. However, if the abdomen is very swollen, as in some complications due to gall bladder stones, such as cholangitis or pancreatitis, it may take longer to recover.

If it is necessary to stay more than 3 days in bed, the doctor may indicate that physiotherapy is still performed in the hospital to ensure the proper movement of the body and to prevent respiratory complications that may happen after any surgery. If the person needs to rest at home, these exercises can help: 5 exercises to breathe better after surgery.

How is the postoperative

After passing the effect of anesthesia and analgesics, the person may experience slight pain or discomfort in the abdomen, which can also radiate to the shoulder or neck. As long as the pain persists, the doctor will recommend the use of analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Dipyrone or Ketoprofen, for example.

1. How much rest time is needed

After surgery to remove the gallbladder, initial rest is indicated, but as soon as you are able to get up, after 1 to 2 days, it is possible to do short walks and activities without effort. Returning to work, as well as other day-to-day activities, such as driving or exercising lightly, should only be started after 1 week, in the case of laparoscopic surgery, or after 2 weeks, in the case of conventional surgery.

It is also important to avoid sitting or lying down for a long time, so you should take short walks around the house throughout the day. However, each case may vary, so it is important to follow the doctor's instructions.

2. How is the food

In the first days, a liquid or pasty diet is indicated and be careful not to move excessively, thus ensuring good healing of the surgical wound. Then, the food will become normal, but it is recommended that it is low in fats, so the patient should avoid eating sausages or fried foods, for example. Here's how to make a more pasty diet for the first few days.

To learn more about what you can and cannot eat watch:

The surgery to remove the gallbladder has nothing to do with weight loss, so although the person may lose weight, it is due to the low-fat diet that they must follow after the surgery. With the removal of the gallbladder, the bile that is produced in the liver will continue to be produced, but instead of being stored in the gallbladder, it immediately goes into the intestine to eliminate fat from food and not fat from the body.

Possible risks of surgery

The risks of gallbladder surgery are minimal, however the most serious are injury to the bile duct, hemorrhage or the infection that can occur in any surgical intervention.

Thus, it is advisable to go immediately to the emergency room if a fever exceeds 38ºC, if the surgical wound has pus, if the skin and eyes turn yellow, or if there is shortness of breath, vomiting or pain that does not improve with the remedies indicated by the doctor.

See when surgery is used to treat cancer at: Treatment for gallbladder cancer.

Gall bladder surgery: how it is done and recovery time