Home Symptoms Tonsil surgery: when to do it, how it is done and what to eat in recovery

Tonsil surgery: when to do it, how it is done and what to eat in recovery


Tonsillitis surgery is usually performed in cases of chronic tonsillitis or when treatment with antibiotics does not show positive results, but it can also be done when the tonsils increase in size and end up obstructing the airways or affecting appetite.

Generally, this type of surgery can be done free of charge by the SUS and includes the removal of adenoids, which is a set of tissues that can infect along with the tonsils, which is above them and behind the nose. See how adenoid surgery is done.

Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils, which are small glands located in the throat. Inflammation can be caused by the presence of viruses or bacteria in the throat, causing swelling and inflammation of the glands.

How is the surgery done

Tonsillitis surgery is done under general anesthesia and can last between 30 minutes and 1 hour. Normally, the person needs to stay in the hospital for a few hours before fully recovering, but can return home the same day.

However, in cases of bleeding or when the person is unable to swallow fluids, it may be recommended to stay for 1 night.

Surgery is only performed when conventional tonsillitis treatment has no permanent results and tonsillitis is recurrent. In addition, the otorhinolaryngologist must indicate whether there have been more than three infections in the year and the intensity of these infections before indicating surgery. See how treatment for tonsillitis is done.

Despite being a safe procedure, there can be some complications, mainly bleeding, pain and vomiting, in addition to the risks related to general anesthesia, such as cardiovascular problems, breathing problems, allergic reaction, mental confusion. Some people report that after the surgery their voice was changed, difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath, in addition to coughing, nausea and vomiting.

How is recovery after surgery

Recovery from tonsillitis surgery lasts between 7 days to 2 weeks. However, in the first 5 days, it is common for a person to experience pain in the throat and, therefore, the doctor may prescribe painkillers, such as Paracetamol or Dipyrone.

In addition, during recovery, people should rest, avoiding efforts, but absolute rest is not necessary. Other important indications are:

  • Drink lots of fluids, especially water; Avoid milk and fatty foods on the first day; Eat cold or icy foods; Avoid hard and rough foods for 7 days.

During the postoperative period of tonsillitis surgery, it is normal for patients to experience nausea, vomiting and pain. However, if symptoms appear, such as a high fever that lasts more than 3 days or excessive bleeding, it is recommended to go to the doctor.

What to eat after surgery

It is recommended to eat foods that are easy to swallow, such as:

  • Broths and soups passed in a blender; Chopped or ground egg, meat and fish, added to liqueur soups or next to the puree; Fruit and vegetable juices and vitamins ; Cooked, roasted or mashed fruit; Well-cooked rice and mashed vegetables such as potatoes, carrots or pumpkin; Crushed legumes, such as beans, chickpeas or lentils; Milk, yogurt and creamy cheeses, such as curd and ricotta, cornstarch or oatmeal with cow or vegetable milk; Bread crumbs moistened with milk, coffee or broths; Liquids: water, tea, coffee, coconut water. Others: gelatin, jelly, pudding, ice cream, butter.

Water at room temperature is best, and foods that are too hot or too cold should be avoided. Biscuits, toast, bread and other dry foods should be avoided in the first week, if you want to eat one of these foods you should soak it in soup, in a broth or juice before taking it to the mouth.

Check out these and other tips on what to eat after surgery in the following video:

Tonsil surgery: when to do it, how it is done and what to eat in recovery