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Symptoms and diagnosis of pubalgia


The main symptom of pubalgia, also called pubic osteitis, is pain in the groin, specifically in the pubic symphysis, a tiny joint located in this region. Pubalgia especially affects men who practice some physical activity like running or football, but it can also affect women.

The main symptoms of pubalgia are:

  • Groin pain, especially when exercising, getting up, sitting and coughingIncreased pain on one footIncreased pain during runningRain sensation in the groin areaDecreased hip movementThere may be pain in the lower back, at the bottom of the back.

Pubalgia occurs frequently in football players and is easily identified when pain is felt in the region or thigh at the first pass or kick.

Pain site in Pubalgia

How to diagnose pubalgia

For the diagnosis it is not necessary to perform any specific exam because little or no changes can be seen in this region. Normally, physical examination through palpation of the region and tests such as stretching the adductors, located in the lateral region of the thigh, and resistance to movement of the adductors, located in the inner region of the thigh, can evidence the pain, characterizing pubalgia.

The history of falls, trauma, sports or surgery in this location are also important to reach the diagnosis, in addition to specific tests such as:

  • Jumping on one leg just because it increases the tension in the joint and causes pain; Stretching the adductors with the foot resting on the knee of the other leg; Stretching the hamstrings, leaning forward without bending the knee.

These stretches help in the diagnosis because the shortening of these muscles is related to the cause of pubalgia. So if there is increased pain in the pubis or shortening of the muscles of the inner and posterior thigh, there is confirmation of pubalgia. In addition, if the back of the leg is shortened, it will not be possible to rest your hands on the floor or there will be some change in the arch of the foot.

What causes pubalgia

Pubalgia is caused by muscle compensations, which occur in men who practice physical activity and who need a lot of strength to perform movements such as kicking the ball with the inside of the foot or who practice running and who change direction quickly as it occurs in running in the on the road or in mountains, where the ground is uneven.

The main cause is the weakness of the hamstring muscles, in the posterior part of the thigh, and of the adductors, located in the inner region of the thigh and abdominals. This weakness, although not noticed by the naked eye, is observed when testing the strength of the muscles of the anterior and lateral thigh region.

Symptoms and diagnosis of pubalgia