Home Symptoms Learn to avoid the 3 main factors that impair memory

Learn to avoid the 3 main factors that impair memory


Knowing what impairs memory can be useful for improving concentration and memory. The ability to memorize depends on attention, perception and reasoning and, therefore, doing many things at the same time also damages the brain, decreasing the ability to concentrate and memory.

Sleeping less than 7 or 8 hours a night also decreases the level of concentration and makes the person more tired, being less able to concentrate. In addition, a body full of toxins reflects a less efficient brain.

The main factors that impair memory are:

1. Chronic stress

Stress and anxiety are harmful to everyday life and can impair memory and concentration because when the brain is overloaded with information it is more difficult to be able to concentrate and store new information. That is why it is important to know how to take advantage of holidays, weekends and vacation periods to relax your body and mind.

In addition, it is also advised to know how to make good choices to avoid the headache that some problems can provide. Finally, remember that not everything should be on your back and that it can be a good option to know how to divide tasks in order not to be so stressed.

2. Sleepless nights

Learning how to schedule a good night's sleep eliminates one of the most important factors that impair memory because, although forgetfulness or lapses are normal at any age, the brain needs to be trained to have more memory and improve concentration.

Learn an excellent strategy to plan a good night's sleep

3. Excess toxins in the brain

The consumption of alcohol or chemicals, such as drugs for weight loss or depression can impair memory and can increase the amount of toxins throughout the body and even in the brain. Although it is not possible to avoid all medications, since some are essential because they were prescribed by the doctor, you can make a natural detoxifier to purify the body of these toxins.

Natural fruit juices prepared with dark green leaves are a great option. A good example is orange juice with cabbage leaf, check out other recipes at: Because it is important to detoxify the body.

Take the following quick test and evaluate your memory:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Pay close attention!

You have 60 seconds to memorize the image on the next slide.

Start the test

60 Next15There are 5 people in the image?
  • Yes No
15Does the image have a blue circle?
  • Yes No
15Is the house in the yellow circle?
  • Yes No
15 Are there three red crosses in the image?
  • Yes No
15Is the green circle for the hospital?
  • Yes No
15Does the man with the cane have a blue blouse?
  • Yes No
15Is the cane brown?
  • Yes No
15 Does the hospital have 8 windows?
  • Yes No
15 Does the house have a chimney?
  • Yes No
15Does the man in the wheelchair have a green blouse?
  • Yes No
15Is the doctor with his arms crossed?
  • Yes No
15 Are the suspenders of the man with the cane black?
  • Yes No

Learn to avoid the 3 main factors that impair memory