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Step by step to wash your hair well


To wash your hair properly, you should wet your hair, apply shampoo, rub your scalp, rinse and then, moisturize your hair by applying a good layer of conditioner, moisturizer or hair mask, and wait about 3 to 5 minutes. Then, rinse with cooler water, completely removing the product from the hair.

To dry, you should prefer a thin towel or an old cotton T-shirt to remove excess water, and after that you should comb the strands with a brush or comb. To facilitate and untangle the strands, you can apply a little combing cream, separating the strands of hair, by strands, to finish the styling.

So, the step by step to wash your hair properly consists of:

1. Wash your hair with shampoo

Wet your hair with water and put the shampoo in your hand and massage your head with your fingertips and not your nails, as nails contribute to spreading fungi and bacteria over the scalp. In order not to rub the hair, just massage gently, sliding your fingers.

In addition, it is important to pass the shampoo twice on the hair to remove all dirt and impurities, and to rinse the scalp until removing all the product.

2. Rinse and apply conditioner

Before applying the conditioner, which will leave the hair softer and smoother, it is important to remove excess water by squeezing the hair, but you can also dry the hair a little with a towel and then apply the conditioner on the ends and never on root and comb the hair with the conditioner to close the cuticles, leaving it to act for a few minutes and then rinse the hair to remove all the product.

3. Dry and comb

After removing all cream or conditioner, it is necessary to dry the hair with the towel, avoiding rubbing it, so as not to open the hair cuticles again and damaging the strands. After completely removing the excess water, gently comb it with a brush or wide bristle comb, choosing if possible to allow it to dry naturally or using a hair dryer, as long as it does not exceed 80ÂșC and is at least 20 cm from the air outlet.

Care at the time of washing

Some precautions are necessary when washing to keep the hair clean and healthy, such as:

  • Prefer to use unsalted shampoos, as they avoid excess oiliness on the scalp; Avoid trapping wet hair, as this favors the increase of dandruff and the breaking of the threads; Use conditioner at the end of the wash, to seal the threads; Avoid using of very greasy gels and creams, which quickly increase oiliness and dandruff; always use cold or lukewarm water to wash the threads; never wash your hair with soap, bath soap, washing powder or dish detergent because they dry the threads too much.

Curly hair should be washed preferably in the morning, so that the strands can dry naturally during the day and maintain the shape. However, another option may be to dry the wires by applying a diffuser to the hair dryer itself, remembering to always apply a thermal protector before drying.

How often to wash your hair

Hair should be washed, preferably every other day or every other day, to keep the scalp clean and free of dandruff. However, very dry hair can be washed only once or twice a week, while oily strands or people who sweat a lot should be cleaned more often.

In addition, it is important to do a deep massage every two weeks, with moisturizing creams that restore the threads and maintain their natural shine and movement.

Is it bad to wash your hair at night?

It is important to remember that you should avoid washing your hair at night so as not to sleep with a wet scalp, as this increases dandruff and leaves the hair brittle. So, if you really need to wash your hair before bed you should blow-dry using the cold temperature.

Basically it can be said that it is not bad to wash your hair at night, but that it is not good to sleep with wet hair.

How to choose the best shampoo and conditioner

The choice of shampoo and conditioner is also important in hair washing, it being necessary to take into account 4 aspects, such as:

  • pH: the shampoo should have a pH of 4.5 to 5.5, because the hair strands have alkaline content, so the acid shampoo will neutralize the hair; Aroma: the shampoo must be non-perfumed, as a shampoo with a strong aroma contains alcohol, which dries out the hair; Color: the transparent shampoo is better than the translucent or milky one, because the transparent one removes all impurities, while the milky one only treats the hair strands; Texture: the shampoo should be smooth, not too thick, because too thick shampoo has salt that leaves hair dry and dry.

In addition, when choosing a conditioner, it should have a pH between 3.5 and 4 and be rich in protein and keratin to moisturize the hair. This information is usually on the product label and for more specific information, ask the hairdresser. before using, especially if you have dyed hair.

Watch the video to learn how to prepare a vitamin that will make your hair stronger:

Step by step to wash your hair well