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How to stop diarrhea faster


To stop diarrhea quickly, it is recommended to consume foods that are able to hold the intestine, in addition to drinking plenty of fluids, to replace lost water and mineral salts, in addition to consuming probiotics, as it helps to replenish the intestinal microbiota more quickly, stopping diarrhea.

Usually diarrhea lasts 3 to 4 days, however, if it lasts more days or other symptoms appear, it is important to go to the doctor, as it may be an infection that must be treated with the use of medications.

What to eat

It is possible for diarrhea through food and, therefore, it is recommended to eat well-cooked fruits and vegetables, such as potatoes, zucchini, rice, apples or bananas, in addition to foods rich in water, such as gelatin or vegetable soup, for example. It is also recommended to drink plenty of fluids, such as water, coconut water or homemade serum, as they replace minerals lost in diarrhea. See more what foods to eat when you have diarrhea.

Diarrhea feeding helps to hold the intestine, thus preventing diarrhea. However, it is not advisable to try to stop diarrhea by taking medicines like Imosec, for example, because in some cases diarrhea is an attempt by the body to expel some microorganism present in the digestive system. The use of this type of medication should be reserved for medical advice. It may be recommended, however, to take probiotics during diarrhea, as it helps to replenish the intestinal microbiota faster.

See what you can eat during diarrhea to pass faster in this video:

What to do to stop diarrhea

Some useful tips to stop diarrhea faster are:

  1. Take the homemade serum several times a day, as this serum is able to replace the water and minerals lost during diarrhea. Learn how to prepare homemade whey; Eat 1 unpeeled apple, 1 banana or 1 guava; Eat a cornmeal porridge dish; Take Yakult or other fermented milk; Eat mashed potato with shredded chicken and well-cooked rice; Drink tea black, chamomile tea or guava leaf tea; Avoid fatty foods, eggs, chocolate, coffee, alcoholic beverages, as they can irritate the intestine and favor diarrhea.

Another good tip to regulate the intestine is to buy in a pharmacy a repository of intestinal flora, such as Floratil, for example, because this way the bacteria that belong to the intestinal microbiota are replaced, favoring the recovery of the person and reducing diarrhea crises.

What can cause diarrhea

Diarrhea can be caused by bacteria or by viruses present in the food we eat and can be accompanied by fever. When the presence of blood in the stool can be identified, it is called dysentery, which is usually caused by the bacteria Salmonella sp ., Shigella sp . and Campylobacter sp .

In addition to infections, which are called gastroenteritis or food poisoning, diarrhea can happen as a result of the use of some medication, mainly antibiotics, or due to some food allergy or intolerance, where whenever the person eats a certain food, he / she has diarrhea. Check out more how to identify food allergy.

The birth of the baby's first teeth can also cause diarrhea and so when a baby aged 6 to 8 months has diarrhea but does not have a fever, parents can look at the gums to see if any teeth are being born. In case of doubt, it is important to take the baby to the pediatrician so that the cause of the diarrhea can be identified.

When to go to the doctor

It is advisable to go to the doctor when the diarrhea is very severe, very frequent, is accompanied by fever or severe abdominal pain. If diarrhea does not go away in 2 days, you should go to the doctor as it may be necessary to use more specific medications, since diarrhea may be a symptom of some diseases that need treatment.

When the person has frequent cases of diarrhea he should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist because he may be ill or have some change in the intestine, which can and should be treated. In addition, severe diarrhea can cause other problems such as anal fissures, which must be treated using healing ointments.

It is also possible to control diarrhea with the use of home remedies, such as chamomile tea and apple syrup, for example, but it is important that consumption is done as directed by the doctor. See how to prepare home remedies for diarrhea.

How to stop diarrhea faster