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How to stop menstruation: 3 safe ways to do it


There are 3 possibilities to stop menstruation for a period: take the Primosiston medicine, amend the contraceptive pill that you are already used to using or use the hormone IUD, but it is important that the gynecologist evaluate the woman's health and indicate the best method to stop menstruation.

Although some women drink water with salt, water with vinegar or use the morning-after pill, this is not advised because it can be harmful to health and change the hormonal load in the body, in addition to not having scientific proof. In addition, it becomes more difficult to know if contraception was effective if the woman has sexual intercourse.

The Ibuprofen remedy has no effect on menstruation and therefore cannot be used to advance, delay or interrupt menstrual flow, because it has some side effects and contraindications, and should only be used under medical advice.

Is it possible to stop menstruation immediately?

There is no safe or effective way to stop menstruation immediately, so if you want to postpone menstruation due to an appointment next week or next month, talk to your doctor to find the best method for delaying the onset of menstruation.

What to do to stop menstruation

Some safe strategies to stop menstruation are:

  • For 1 or 2 days

If you want to start or delay menstruation by 1 or 2 days, it is best to take Primosiston, which should be indicated by a gynecologist. Check the leaflet and learn how to take Primosiston.

  • For 1 month

If you want to go 1 month without menstruating, the ideal is to amend the contraceptive pill packs that you are already used to taking. That way, just take the first pill from the new pack right after the old pack is over.

  • For a few months

To stay without menstruation for a few months it is possible to use the pill of continuous use, because it has a low hormonal load and can be used continuously, without pause and therefore there is no bleeding. Another option is the placement of a hormone IUD in the doctor's office. However, although these two methods result in the absence of menstruation, there may be minor bleeding at any stage of the month, which can be a disadvantage.

When it is indicated to stop menstruation

The doctor may find it necessary to stop menstruation for some period when blood loss is discouraged due to some conditions such as anemia, endometriosis and some uterine fibroids. In these cases the gynecologist will indicate the best method to stop menstruation for a certain time until the disease is properly controlled and blood loss is not a problem.

Who should not stop menstruation

Girls before 15 years of age should not stop menstruation because in the first years of the menstrual cycle it is important that she and her gynecologist are able to observe the interval between cycles, the amount of blood lost and if the symptoms of PMS are found. if present. These factors can be useful to assess the health of the girl's reproductive system, and with the use of mechanisms to stop menstruation, they cannot be assessed.

How to stop the discomfort caused by menstruation

If you can't stand menstruating because of PMS or colic, you can use some strategies like:

  • Consume more foods rich in omega 3, 6 and 9; Take a fresh orange juice every morning; Eat more bananas and soy; Take chamomile or ginger tea; Take vitamin B6 or evening primrose oil supplement; daily physical exercises; taking medications such as Ponstan, Atroveran or Nisulid against colic; using contraceptive methods such as vaginal ring or implant to regulate menstruation.

Normally menstruation lasts on average between 3 and 10 days and comes only once a month, but when there are hormonal changes or when there is a disease present, menstruation can be longer or come more than once a month. See some causes and what to do in case of prolonged menstruation.

How to stop menstruation: 3 safe ways to do it