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How to lose belly in 1 month


To lose weight and lose belly in 1 month, you should exercise at least 3 times a week and have a restrictive diet, consuming less foods rich in sugar and fat, so that the body uses the accumulated energy in the form of fat.

It is important to write down the reasons why you want to lose belly, in order to stay focused on the final goal, take pictures of your progress and have a scale to weigh yourself once a week, because that way you can have a real sense of the evolution and benefits exercise and diet.

Some strategies that can help you lose weight and lose belly in 1 month are:

1. Increase metabolism

A great strategy to speed up the metabolism to lose weight is to add a pinch of cayena pepper in a liter of water and drink it during the day, being careful not to add in excess, because the drink can get very spicy. If the person has problems with heartburn or gastritis, they can try taking a ginger tea with cinnamon during the day, without sugar, because it also helps to burn fat.

In addition, the person should drink at least 2 liters of water per day, adding some lemon tastes to improve the flavor and avoid industrialized juices and teas.

2. Burn fat

The best way to burn fat is to exercise. The best exercises for those who want to lose weight and lose belly fast are the combination of aerobic exercises, such as walking or running, with intense anaerobic exercises, such as weight training, for example, because they complement each other. Exercises should be performed 3 to 5 times a week, with a minimum duration of 1 hour.

See some examples of exercises.

3. Eat well

Foods rich in saturated fat should be removed from the diet, but eating good sources of fat is important to maintain a good mood and ensure proper hormonal functioning. For this reason, you should exchange hamburgers, fries and snacks for Brazil nuts, avocado and olive oil in small portions daily.

Do not eat processed food, such as frozen lasagna, ready meatballs, box cakes, biscuits and industrialized cereal bars, as they contain many toxins and favor the accumulation of fat and when consumed at night, they will most likely be stored as belly fat.

4. Avoid getting hungry

In order not to get hungry, you should eat foods rich in fiber by exchanging French bread, plain pasta and white rice for whole grains. A great suggestion is for lunch and dinner to always eat a plate full of salads that can always be varied, with 1 serving of protein which can be 2 boiled eggs, 1 can of tuna in water or 1 serving of lean meat which can be brisket skinless chicken or boiled or roasted fish.

Eating every 3 hours is very important, but it is not necessary to eat in large quantities. Just eat 1 fruit with 1 whole toast or 1 yogurt with whole grains, for example. See how to add fiber to every meal.

5. Eliminate sugar

Sugar is addictive, and the more sweet foods a person eats, the more they want to eat. So, a great strategy is to stop adding sugar to food, coffee, juice and milk, but it is also important to read the labels because sugar is present in many foods. See how sugar can be hidden in food.

The use of sweeteners is also discouraged, because they contain toxins that impair weight loss. However, if the person cannot resist sweets, they can try Stevia, which is a natural sweetener, or use honey, but in small amounts.

Watch the following video to learn what else you can do to lose belly in 1 month:

What to do to not put on weight again

In order not to put on weight again, it will take some discipline. Whenever more calories and fat are ingested than spent, they will be stored as fat, especially in the belly. Therefore, for this not to happen, it is necessary to:

  • Continue to practice physical activity on a regular basis; Maintain a healthy diet; Replace, whenever possible, industrialized and sugar-rich foods.

Weight loss is possible and everyone can reach their goal. However, people who are overweight are likely to need medical attention, a nutritionist and a physical trainer to reach them, and in some cases, the endocrinologist may recommend the use of weight loss drugs.

See also a complete program to lose belly in 1 week.

How to lose belly in 1 month