Home Bulls How to lose belly in menopause

How to lose belly in menopause


To lose belly in menopause it is important to have a balanced diet and maintain regular physical exercise because changes in the shape of the body happen at this stage and it is easier to accumulate fat in the abdominal region. But only the hormonal change in this phase of life does not justify weight gain.

Therefore, women during menopause must guarantee a higher calorie expenditure, with more intense physical activities and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables that are less caloric foods.

See what else you can do to prevent menopausal weight gain in the following video:

Diet to lose belly in menopause

A good diet option for losing belly in menopause includes:

  • Breakfast: 1 glass of cranberry juice and 2 toasted slices of soy bread or 1 bowl of granola with flax seeds and 100 ml of soy milk; Morning snack: 1 glass of papaya smoothie with almond milk; Lunch: 1 salmon and watercress sandwich, and 1 glass of apple juice or 1 soy yogurt; Afternoon snack: 1 seasonal fruit or 1 bowl of gelatin with yogurt; Dinner: grilled fish with carrots, mushrooms and asparagus and 1 bowl of fruit salad; Supper: 1 plain yogurt or 1 cornstarch porridge (Maizena) with oat milk and 1 coffee spoon of soy lecithin as a nutritional supplement.

Each woman has different nutritional needs, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist before undertaking any type of diet.

Tips for losing belly in menopause

Some tips for losing belly in menopause include:

  1. Eat at least 6 meals throughout the day; Eat soup or soup before the main course, as it helps to regulate the amount of calories eaten during the meal; Eat carbohydrate foods with Low Glycemic Index Foods, such as yogurt and unpeeled apples; Include foods high in protein and low in fat, such as meat, white cheese and eggs, as they increase the feeling of satiety; Do water aerobics or Pilates at least twice a week.

The best way to lose belly is to combine a balanced diet with exercise, so a woman should do at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity, such as walking, running or cycling, every day.

How to lose belly in menopause