Home Symptoms Oxiúrus: how to avoid passing or catching

Oxiúrus: how to avoid passing or catching


The prevention of oxyurus, known scientifically as Enterobius vermicularis , must be done not only by the family, but also by the infected person itself, as there may be reinfection, and the transmission of this parasite is very easy.

So, it is important to have some habits like:

  • Do not shake the infected person's bed linen in the morning, but wrap and wash in boiling water every day. The worm has a nocturnal habit, that is, the female of the worm lays eggs in the anal area at night, and the fact that the child itches, for example, can cause the eggs to be spread on the bedding. Cut the nails and avoid biting them, as it prevents the eggs from being transported on the nails and eaten; Clean the house with a vacuum, as it prevents the eggs from being scattered; Consume only filtered or bottled water, avoiding drinking water that apparently is not fit for consumption; Wash food thoroughly before preparing. Foods that are eaten with the shell should soak in a bowl with 1 liter of water and 1 spoon of chlorine for at least 20 minutes. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after going to the bathroom, as well as before preparing food.

In addition to these preventive measures, it is important to carry out treatment as directed by the doctor. In addition, it is recommended to take a shower in the morning to eliminate the eggs and apply the ointment in the perianal region before sleeping. Know the remedies for oxyurus.

During pregnancy, it is important that the woman adopt preventive measures, as it is not advised to use any medication to eliminate the worm. In such cases, natural remedies are advised, such as pumpkin seed tea, for example, but which should be consumed on the recommendation of the obstetrician.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of this disease is made using the Graham method, also known as the tape method, which consists of placing the tape in a test tube with the adhesive side out and then supporting the tape several times. the perianal region.

Then, the tape should be placed on a glass slide to be analyzed under the microscope. D-shaped structures that correspond to the parasite's eggs can be viewed under a microscope.

Usually, this test is requested when worm infection is suspected, that is, when it is observed that the child scratches the anal area a lot and has itching, for example. See what the oxyurus symptoms are.

Although this test is the most commonly performed, it is not considered the most suitable, because when samples are collected with adhesive tape and then placed on the slide, the eggs can spoil and limit the performance of other laboratory processes. Therefore, in some cases the collection can be made using a swab that is then passed lightly on the slide and then viewed under a microscope.

Oxiúrus: how to avoid passing or catching