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Tattoo Removal Treatments


To permanently remove a tattoo from the skin, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist to evaluate the size and colors of the tattoo and, thus, choose the best way to remove as much of the design as possible, avoiding taking the tattoo at home with salt or lemon, for example.

Generally, the easiest tattoos to remove are henna or permanent ones that do not contain black ink or dark colors, as well as those that were made less than 1 year ago, for example.

After treatment to remove the permanent tattoo, especially in the case of laser, it is common for some scars to appear on the skin that can be treated with surgery to reduce the scars. See how to eat to avoid scarring in: Healing foods.

How to get a permanent tattoo

To get a permanent tattoo done in a tattoo parlor, the most used methods are laser, tattoo removal creams and dermabrasion.

1. Get a laser tattoo

Laser tattoo removal hurts, but it is the best way to completely eliminate a tattoo, as it uses a beam of concentrated light that penetrates the skin, destroying the layers of ink, eliminating the skin design.

However, this type of treatment may require more than 10 sessions to remove all ink from the tattoo, depending on the size and colors of the design. Thus, the more complex the tattoo, the more sessions will be necessary and thus more injuries will be caused on the skin, which can cause blisters and scars.

  • Price of laser tattoo removal: the price varies between 300 to 1800 reais per session, depending on the type of tattoo.

Learn how to treat the scar left by the laser: How to remove a scar.

2. Get tattooed with creams

Creams for tattooing, such as TatBGone or Tattoo-Off, can be used at home and help to lighten the tattoo over several months, without creating any type of skin lesion or pain. However, this type of treatment is not as effective as the laser, and may not completely remove the tattoo.

  • Price of creams to remove tattoos: the price of creams is approximately 600 reais, however, more than one bottle may be necessary, depending on the size of the tattoo.

3. Getting a tattoo with dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is a method that uses a high rotation device, with an abrasive disc, to remove the superficial layers of the skin, helping to make the tattoo clearer. This treatment can also cause pain as with laser treatment, but without showing such satisfactory results.

  • Price of dermabrasion to get a tattoo: the price varies between 100 to 200 reais per session.

How to Get a Henna Tattoo

To remove a henna tattoo it is important to follow the following steps:

  1. Dip the area in warm soapy water or place a towel with warm water on the skin; Mix water with salt, placing a part of salt for each part of water; Wet a clean gauze in the water-salt mixture; Rub the gauze over the tattoo for about 20 minutes; Wash the skin with warm water and soap; Apply moisturizing cream over the treated area.

If the tattoo does not completely disappear, it is recommended to repeat the process 2 to 3 times a day until the ink has completely disappeared.

Tattoo Removal Treatments