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Learn how to assess your skin


The classification of the skin type must take into account the characteristics of the hydrolipidic film, resistance, phototype and age of the skin, which can be assessed through a visual, tactile examination or through specific devices, which can be performed with the help of a professional.

Identifying the type of skin is very important when obtaining the cosmetic products that will be used daily, in order to achieve the best results.

How to assess skin type

There are several ways to assess the type of skin and, to do so, the person must not have makeup on or have any cosmetic product on the skin. The evaluation must be carried out with direct light and without shadows:

1. Visual examination

Visual examination essentially consists of visual assessment of skin texture and uniformity and identification of skin abnormalities such as enlarged pores, pimples, peeling, redness, spots, wrinkles, among others.

2. Tactile examination

The tactile examination consists of assessing the skin through touch and perceiving its texture, elasticity, firmness and the presence or not of oiliness.

3. Interview

The interview must be conducted by a health professional who can question the person in relation to their hygiene habits, such as whether the skin reacts to cold, heat, sun and wind, what type of cosmetic products the person uses, what their style of professional life and activity and if she has any disease or if she takes any medication that may interfere with the appearance of the skin.

As an alternative to the interview, the person can take a test that guides him or her to perform a visual examination of the skin and that takes into account the person's family and individual history, as well as their lifestyle. Take the test online and see which products are right for you.

4. Instrumental evaluation

There are also several devices that allow you to assess your skin type by assessing water loss or measuring oiliness, and others that allow you to measure skin resistance and pigmentation. These examinations must be performed by a health professional.

5. Homemade method

A good home method to determine the type of skin according to the hydrolipid characteristics, is to wipe a clean tissue on the face, upon waking up, and observe the skin and tissue in a clear place.

Generally, on normal skin the scarf is clean, on oily skin, it can be dirty and on dry skin, you can feel that it is a little dry and you can see skin peeling on the scarf.

Hydrolipidic characteristics

1. Normal skin

Normally, normal skin does not have an oily or dry appearance, has moderate shine, is luminous, pink, and is normally smooth and firm to the touch, without imperfections. The pores are usually imperceptible to the naked eye and usually have no pimples.

In adulthood, people who have normal skin are rare, with a tendency to be drier or oily.

2. Dry skin

Generally, people with dry skin often feel the skin tug after contact with water, a dull tone, with a tendency to develop fine wrinkles and peel. Learn how to treat dry skin.

Dry skin should not be confused with dehydrated skin, as dehydrated skin is a skin that lacks water, while dry skin lacks nutrients and oils. However, dry skin is more prone to dehydration, as the horny extract allows for greater water loss.

3. Oily skin

Oily skin produces more sebum than normal, being more protected from water loss and premature aging, however, the appearance of the skin can cause discomfort and may be more prone to acne. Here's how to treat oily skin.

4. Mixed skin

Mixed skin is usually oily in the T area, which is the forehead, nose and chin area, and is dry or normal on the cheeks.

Skin sensitivity

Sensitive skin can suffer from problems such as acne, rosacea, burning and allergic reactions. On the other hand, resistant skin has a healthy stratum corneum, which protects the skin against allergens and other irritants and also protects it from water loss.

Resistant skins rarely suffer from acne problems, but even if they do, stronger formulations can be used to treat this problem, because there is no risk that the skin will react.

Skin pigmentation

This parameter identifies people with a history or propensity to suffer from changes in skin pigmentation, such as melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and solar freckles, which can be avoided or improved through the use of topical products and dermatological procedures.

Learn how to assess your skin