Home Bulls Geographic animal: what it is and main symptoms

Geographic animal: what it is and main symptoms


The geographic bug is a parasitic infection caused by the parasites Ancylostoma braziliense and Ancylostoma caninum , which can often be found in domestic animals, such as dogs and cats. Thus, when walking barefoot in places that may contain the remains of animal feces, such as sand or fields, for example, it is possible that the infection will happen.

The geographic bug gets its name because the larvae that penetrate the skin make a little straight path that can be perceived, and are often similar to a map. In addition to the presence of a small, raised red spot on the skin, which is indicative of the parasite's entry, other symptoms of infection are:

  • Sensation of something moving inside the skin; Appearance of red lines, similar to paths; Intense itching at the location of the lines.

The set of symptoms of infection by the geographic bug is called Cutaneous Larva migrans Syndrome, since the symptoms can be noticed through the skin. Symptoms can appear up to 30 minutes after the parasite enters the body, however it can take a few weeks, as the parasite can stay dormant for a few days.

The most affected areas are usually the feet, hands, knees and buttocks, as they are the places that most easily come into contact with the contaminated floor.

How the treatment is done

The treatment to eliminate the geographic bug can be done with the use of medications or the use of an antiparasitic ointment, such as Tiabendazole or Mebendazole, prescribed by the dermatologist, which must be applied daily. This treatment lasts an average of 7 days, and must be done until the end, even if the symptoms disappear days before. Learn more about the remedies used in the treatment.

How to avoid the geographic bug

One of the ways to avoid contamination with the bug is to not walk barefoot, in any type of terrain, be it on asphalt, grass or sand. However, this recommendation is more difficult to follow on the beach and in parks and, therefore, it is important to avoid beaches where there are domestic animals such as dogs, for example.

At home, dogs and cats should take antiparasitic drugs every year, so that they do not have these parasites and do not release eggs in their feces, thus avoiding contamination of people. Know the biological cycle of the geographic animal.

Geographic animal: what it is and main symptoms