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How to tell if the toy is safe for your child


To find out if the toy is safe for your child, you should always read the instructions and instructions for use of the toy, which are usually found on the packaging and, which must contain the Inmetro symbol, indicate the minimum age and inform about the most common dangers that the toy can cause.

In addition, parents should, whenever possible, observe children playing and inspect all toys at least once a week to avoid accidents, as small, broken or pointed objects can become a danger to the child, and cause cuts, choking or allergies, for example. Read more at: Safety tips to protect your child at home.

Toy safety rules

There are some important safety rules to take into account when buying toys for children, such as:

Inmetro Seal

Symbol of age

1- Check the Inmetro seal

All toys must have the Inmetro seal on the packaging or on the toy itself in black, blue or yellow.

This symbol indicates that the toy has been subjected to tests to identify the possible risks of the toy, such as the chance of causing intoxication, electric shock or cuts, for example and that it is safe for sale.

2- Be age-appropriate

The toys offered to the child must always be appropriate for their age, with the minimum age indicated for the child to use the toy being indicated on the toy packaging.

However, when parents have children of different ages, they should pay special attention to the youngest child, who is curious and willing to play with the older child's toys and, who are generally very dangerous for the youngest child, for example. not suitable for their age.

3. Read the packaging information

Before giving a toy to the child, read the information and instructions for use, which are usually in Portuguese and which provide guidance on the safe use of the product.

Generally, when the toy can cause a danger to the child, even if approved, "attention" appears and the information that indicates the danger.

4- Pay attention to the packaging

Parents should open the toy packaging before giving it to the child or, if the child is doing it, it must be done in the presence of an adult, as plastics can lead to suffocation and dangerous objects such as staples, rubber bands and screws, for example, they can hurt the child.

How to care for your child's toys

In addition to the safety rules to have with toys, it is important to observe the child playing, especially the smaller ones, as they may use the toys in another inappropriate way and be at risk of life. In addition, they should:

  • Check the toys: parents should check all the child's toys, at least once a week and check that there are no loose or broken parts of the toys and that may be dangerous for the child; Storing the toys: having the child's room tidied daily is a way to avoid falls that can occur more easily when the toys are scattered; Washing toys: toys, especially dolls, should be washed with water because they accumulate bacteria and can cause allergies.

Although parents pay attention when buying toys, and these are safe, all children can have accidents while playing, such as making cuts or allergies, for example. Find out how to act in: First aid for the 8 most common domestic accidents.

How to tell if the toy is safe for your child