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How to get out of depression


To get out of depression, it is important for the patient to seek help from a psychiatrist and / or a psychologist, so that an effective treatment for their problem is indicated. Often during treatment, the doctor resorts to the use of antidepressant remedies such as Fluoxetine or Sertraline, for example. Get to know other remedies used in the treatment by clicking here.

In some cases the cause of depression may be related to the use of certain medications, which means that the doctor needs to know all the medications he has taken or has taken recently. Learn more about which remedies cause depression.

Care During Treatment

Associated with the treatment with antidepressant drugs, there are some precautions that must be taken throughout the day that complement the treatment, which include:

  • Do physical exercise regularly such as walking, swimming or football; Walking in outdoor and very bright places; Exposing yourself to the sun for 15 minutes, daily; Eating healthy; Avoid alcohol and tobacco; Sleep well, preferably between 6 to 8 hours a day; listening to music, going to the cinema or theater; volunteering at an institution; improving self-confidence; not being alone; avoiding stress; avoid spending all the time on social networks like facebook. Find out what are the diseases caused by social networks by clicking here.

    Avoid negative thoughts.

In addition to medical monitoring, family support is also essential for the treatment of this disease. In addition, sex can also function as a natural antidepressant that can help overcome depression as it stimulates the production of hormones that improve mood. See how maintaining an active sex life while depressed can Sex be the best natural antidepressant ?.

Natural treatment for depression

A good way to treat depression naturally is to eat foods rich in vitamin B12, omega 3 and tryptophan, as they boost your mood and return lost energy. Some foods with these nutrients are salmon, tomatoes and spinach.

Taking vitamin supplements like Centrum or Memoriol B6 can also be helpful in improving mental and physical tiredness during depression.

But another excellent strategy for improving brain function and overcoming depression is to eat green banana biomass daily for the duration of the treatment. Just prepare the biomass, turn it into a puree and then mix in the vitamin, beans or sauces, for example. See the step by step in the following video:

Alternative treatment for depression

A good alternative treatment for depression is psychotherapy sessions and group therapy, especially when it is caused by emotional problems like a loss, for example.

Other forms of alternative treatment for depression are homeopathy, acupuncture, Bach flowers and aromatherapy. These treatments can be useful in treating the individual as a whole and not just the disease.

In addition, food can also work as another way to complement the treatment of depression, see what foods you should eat in 7 foods that help you get out of depression faster.

How to get out of depression