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7 Ways to Get Rid of Anguish


There are some ways that can help to get rid of anguish, such as doing some physical activity, meditating, doing psychotherapy, eating healthy, practicing yoga and having leisure activities.

When anguish persists for a long time and becomes a constant sadness, it is important to seek help from a psychiatrist, as in these cases it is necessary to use medications.

In addition, this feeling is linked to anxiety and stress and generates other physical symptoms such as sweating on the hands, fatigue, palpitation, stomach pain, problems with concentration, irritability and insomnia. See your anxiety level.

So it is important to know more about what to do to get rid of anguish, such as:

1. Physical activity

Physical activity is associated with a reduction in anxiety symptoms and, consequently, in distress, due to the release of substances such as dopamine, serotonin and endorphins that are associated with well-being and pleasure. In addition to reducing feelings of distress, physical activity helps to relax the muscles and relieve body pain and tension.

At first it can seem difficult and demotivating, so it is important to start with a few minutes of physical activity a day, between 10 to 15 minutes and look for some kind of exercise that is pleasurable, it can be walking or cycling. Some daily habits can also help to exercise the body, such as climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator, parking further away, walking the dog, even practicing a dance. As the body gets used to it, the time of the activity can increase and soon the benefits will appear.

Regular physical exercises bring significant changes to the body and mind, improving self-esteem, sleep, giving more energy and helping to relax. Therefore, the first step is to change your attitude, look for people around you to encourage and accompany you, as physical activity will be an ally in reducing anxiety. See other benefits of physical activity.

2. Meditation

Meditation is a technique used to focus on yourself, by controlling your breath, reducing distractions and silence, helping to calm the mind. Mindfulness is a type of meditation that can help to reduce feelings of anguish, as it helps the person to better deal with their negative thoughts through attention and full awareness, that is, being more attentive to daily and daily activities.

Generally, mindfulness is used to understand the reactions of the mind in each activity, whether at work, household chores, or during a physical activity. It is not always necessary to be in a specific place to practice mindfulness , as the idea is to pay attention to whatever activity you are doing. Learn more about mindfulness exercises .

3. Psychotherapy

When anguish lasts for a long time and does not pass easily, it is necessary to seek help from a psychologist to perform psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a technique used from the conversation and helps to learn about feelings, thoughts and behaviors, that is, the psychologist through speech helps the person to know and develop skills to face distressing feelings and situations.

There are many types of psychotherapy, depending on the approach of each psychologist, but in general all methods help in the search for new ways to understand and face the anguish.

4. Healthy eating

The feeling of anguish is almost always associated with the symptoms of anxiety, so eating habits that help control anxiety can consequently reduce anxiety. It is important to maintain a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and to reduce foods that have a lot of sugar and fat, as they are associated with the feeling of nervousness.

Some substances found in some foods can help minimize the effects of anxiety by reducing anxiety, such as:

  • Omega 3: present in tuna, salmon, sardines and flaxseed; Magnesium: can be found in chestnuts, bananas, almonds, oats; Vitamin B: found in fish, liver, plum and hazelnut; Vitamin C: found in lemon, orange, pineapple and acerola; Tryptophans: present in eggs, chickens, cauliflower and salmon.

Other substances can be considered natural tranquilizers, such as chamomile, lemon balm, passionflower, valerian and help to reduce anguish, and are often used in tea or capsule formats, but it is always important to be accompanied by the general practitioner, psychiatrist and herbalist, as they are the ones who will indicate the correct dose and quantity for use. Check out more about natural tranquilizers.

5. Practice yôga

Yoga is a set of exercises for the body and mind that help relieve symptoms of anxiety and stress. It is based on three elements such as posture, breathing and meditation and helps to improve balance, muscle strength and promotes emotional well-being.

It is usually done with the help of an instructor and is recommended for anyone of any age, but it is always important to consult the doctor first, especially if you have a health problem such as glaucoma and herniated discs. See here other benefits of yoga.

6. Leisure activities

Leisure activities are important to reduce the effects of distress, as it promotes a feeling of well-being, joy and comfort, especially if performed in the company of close people. These activities vary from person to person, and together with other methods they can help to remove concerns and problems by reducing the feeling of anguish. Some leisure activities can be outdoor walks, listening to favorite music, going to the theater, watching a movie or playing a sport.

7. Seek help from a doctor

Anguish may not go away in some situations and remain for a long time, when this happens it is necessary to seek assistance from a psychiatrist. Often, anguish, along with sadness, is a symptom of depression and requires treatment with medication. Know if what you feel is sadness or depression.

7 Ways to Get Rid of Anguish