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How to get impinged


Impingem is a contagious skin disease that easily passes from one person to another through skin-to-skin contact and also through contact with contaminated objects such as towels, glasses or clothes, for example.

Thus, when an individual in the family is diagnosed, the clothes and all objects used by the family must be sanitized after use. To sanitize the objects, it is necessary to wash them with running water and soap, passing through boiling water at the end of the wash. The procedure must be repeated whenever the patient uses the object, until the disease cures.

Main forms of contagion

Knowing how to get it, scientifically called ringworm corporis , is important to avoid contamination by the fungus. You can catch yourself pushing through situations like:

  • Use the same bath towel, or face towel, as the contaminated individual who has not been washed; Lie on the contaminated individual's bed by coming into direct contact with contaminated sheets, pillowcases and blankets; The affected child should not go to school so as not to contaminate others; Wear the clothes that the contaminated individual has used, without washing them; Share glasses, cutlery and plates that have been used by the contaminated individual, without washing them; Use of underwear and socks of the contaminated individual, in case of injuries are on the patient's genitals or feet; touch the injury or use objects of personal use of the infected individual.

The disease is transmitted through direct contact, as fungi are present in the lesion, and, when in contact with an object, contaminates it. These microorganisms survive in the environment for many hours and can easily affect another individual who comes into direct contact with the contaminated object.

How to protect yourself from being foisted

To avoid getting caught it is recommended to follow some guidelines such as:

  • Wash your hands properly, several times a day, with soap and water; Avoid direct contact with the person's wounds; Do not kiss or hug the infected person; Each person in the house use their own bath and face towel; Do not lie on contaminated person's bed, nor use his pillow or cushion; Do not wear the same clothes as the person; All personal items must be of exclusive use by the person who is sick;

The contaminated person's bedding and clothing should be washed separately with water, soap and hot water. Objects such as glasses, cutlery and plates should be washed immediately after use.

With these measures it is possible to avoid spreading the infection from one person to another, making the cure more easily achieved.

How to get impinged