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How to solve 6 common breastfeeding problems


The most common breastfeeding problems include a cracked nipple, stony milk and swollen, hard breasts, which usually appear in the first few days after giving birth or after a long time breastfeeding the baby.

Usually, these breastfeeding problems cause pain and discomfort for the mother, however, there are simple techniques, such as the baby making a good grip on the breast or the woman taking care of the breasts, for example, that help to avoid these situations and that can be easily resolved with the help of a nurse.

Here's how to solve each of the following problems:

1. Cracked and sore nipple

When the nipple is cracked, the woman has a crack and may have pain and blood in the breast. This problem arises due to the wrong position of the baby to breastfeed or the dryness of the nipple and is usually common in the first weeks after delivery.

Correct fold

How to solve: This common breast problem of breastfeeding can be solved if the woman takes and drops a drop of milk on the nipple after each feeding. If the pain is very severe, the mother must express the milk manually or with a pump and give the baby a cup or spoon until the nipple improves or heals completely.

There are also breastfeeding nipples that reduce the pain caused by the baby's sucking or even ointments with lanolin in the constitution that help to heal the nipple. In addition, helping the baby get a proper grip while breastfeeding is critical. Know the correct position for breastfeeding.

2. Stoned milk

Stoned milk occurs when breast milk does not come out, as the breast duct is clogged and the woman feels a lump in the breast, as if it were a lump, with reddish skin in that place and a lot of pain.

How to solve: It is important for the mother to wear loose clothing and a bra that supports her breasts well without compressing the breast to prevent the ducts from clogging. In addition, a breast massage should be done to express milk and prevent mastitis. See how to massage the breasts.

3. Swelling and hardening of the breast

The swelling and hardening of the breast is called breast engorgement and occurs when there is a high production of milk, which may appear around the 2nd day after delivery. In these cases, the woman has a fever and the breast becomes red, the skin is shiny and stretched and the breast is so hard and swollen that breastfeeding becomes very painful.

How to solve it: To solve the engorgement of the breast it is important to breastfeed whenever the baby wants to help empty the breast. In addition, after breastfeeding, cold water should be applied to the breasts, with a compress or in the bath, it helps to reduce swelling and pain.

When the woman does not resolve the breast engorgement, mastitis, which is a sinus infection, can cause symptoms such as high fever and malaise, similar to the flu. In this case, it is necessary to take an antibiotic, prescribed by the doctor. Learn more about mastitis.

4. Inverted or flat nipple

Having the nipple inverted or flat, is not exactly a problem because the baby needs to grab the areola and not the nipple, so even if the woman has an inverted or very small nipple she will be able to breastfeed.

How to solve: For the mother with flat or inverted nipples to breastfeed successfully, it is essential to stimulate the nipple before breastfeeding. Thus, the stimulation of the nipple so that it becomes more visible, can be done with the breast pump, and must be done for 30 to 60 seconds always before breastfeeding or using an adapted syringe.

If these techniques are not possible, you can use artificial nipples that are applied on the breast and that help to breastfeed. See more tips for breastfeeding with inverted nipples.

5. Little milk production

Producing too little milk should not be seen as a problem, as it does not jeopardize the health of the woman or the baby, and in these cases, the pediatrician indicates the use of artificial milk.

How to solve: To increase milk production, the baby should be allowed to breastfeed whenever he wants and for as long as he wants, offering both breasts at each feeding. The mother should also increase the consumption of water-rich foods, such as tomatoes or watermelons, for example, and drink 3 liters of water a day or tea. Find out which teas are less suitable during breastfeeding.

6. Production of too much milk

When there is high milk production, there is a greater risk of developing fissures, breast engorgement and mastitis. In these cases, due to excess milk, breastfeeding becomes more difficult for the child, but it will not cause any harm to health.

How to solve it: You must try to remove the excess milk with a pump and keep it in the refrigerator, which can be given later to the baby. It is also important to always use a silicone nipple protector to prevent excess moisture. See how to store milk.

Tips to avoid common breastfeeding problems

To avoid some common breastfeeding problems, such as breast engorgement, mastitis and nipple fissure, it is essential to have some breast care daily, such as:

  • Wash the nipples only once a day with warm water, avoiding using soap; Let the baby drop the breast spontaneously or, if necessary, place a finger gently on the baby's mouth in order to interrupt the sucking and, never pulling the baby's mouth from the breast; Apply a drop of milk to the nipple and areola, after each feeding and after bathing, as it facilitates healing; Expose the nipples to the air, whenever possible, between feedings; Prevent the nipples from becoming wet, and you should choose to use silicone nipple protectors.

These measures must be adopted during the period when the woman is breastfeeding and must be followed daily to avoid complications.

How to solve 6 common breastfeeding problems