Home Bulls Cisco in the eye: what to do

Cisco in the eye: what to do


The presence of a speck in the eye is a relatively common discomfort that can be quickly alleviated with an appropriate eye wash.

If the speck is not removed or if the itch persists, there is a high risk of scratching the cornea with the scratching movement, which may take a few weeks to heal properly, causing blurred vision, hypersensitivity to light and intense tearing.

The best way to remove the speck from the eye is to follow the step-by-step:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water; Stand in front of the mirror and try to identify the presence of the speck; Blink the affected eye several times, to try to remove the speck naturally; Pass saline in the eye to do a wash.

A small speck in the eyes can cause a lot of discomfort, because there are many nerve endings in the eye and, therefore, a small speck can look like a large foreign body inside the eyeball, when in most cases it is not.

After that, you should avoid touching the eyes with your hands and people who wear contact lenses should stop using them until the eye improves or until they feel comfortable. Here's how to prepare a home remedy to relieve eye irritation.

What if I can't get the speck out?

If the speck is not removed after washing with saline, the eye should be re-inspected and, after identifying the location of the speck, position the eyelid where the speck is located on the lashes of the other eyelid. This allows the lashes to act as a small brush that removes any specks stuck to the eyelid.

If it is not possible to gently remove the speck, you should go to the doctor immediately, in order to avoid more serious injuries.

What if the stinging sensation in the eye persists?

Sometimes, after washing the eye, the feeling of discomfort may persist, even after removing the speck. This is because the speck may have caused irritation to the cornea in an attempt to eliminate it. To reduce discomfort, the person must keep the eye closed for some time, avoiding direct exposure to light, which can help to calm irritation.

However, this sensation may be due to the fact that the speck has not yet been eliminated and in these cases, the ideal is to ask someone for help or even go to the ophthalmologist, who will remove the speck and may also prescribe pain-relieving drugs., irritation and inflammation.

Cisco in the eye: what to do